Have you ever been bitten by a tick? - Updates

Friends have talked of ticks on their dogs, locally… but this is the first one I have ever seen for myself, let alone on me… in 20 years here in France…plus the rest of my life in UK and elsewhere…

Now I’m scratching at nothing in particular… and checking around, shaking clothing… yuk

Just even reading posts about them makes me scratch, and we’ve not seen any yet this year!

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I have been bitten several times by ticks in various places on my body. The most memorable was when I found one on my boob in the shower, alas on this occasion I panicked and tried to pull it out. This left the head firmly embedded. A visit to the doctor where she wielded a scalpel to remove the head was not pleasant!
Now after gardening I check as much as possible before having a hot shower … :hushed:

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I take a swig of apple cider vinegar daily…garlic is also good for making the bloodstream unappealing to ticks and fleas…although I’ve been wary of giving garlic to my Collies as it belongs to the onion family…(?)…I don’t use any chemical flea/tick control on them at all although I keep an arsenal of natural remedies to hand just in case…(Homeopathic Ledum is also helpful in the event of a bite) x :slight_smile:

If I recall my science degree correctly, there is nothing that can change the pH of your blood or it’s taste apart from very temporary blips that are usually not good for you. Stuff you eat goes into your stomach, where it is digested down to basic molecules of sugars, amino acids, fats and so on. Some of these molecules pass into blood stream and lymph system. But everything the blood doesn’t need is filtered out by liver & kidneys and excreted. It is hugely important to the well being of your body that your blood is stable, so everything is geared to keeping it that way.

Apple cider vinegar and garlic may be good for you in all sorts of way re vitamins and minerals and so on, but as far as I can work out it won’t alter your blood.


you need a refresher then as apple cider vinegar is a very old remedy.

  1. It Will Help Your Body Maintain a Healthy Alkaline pH Level

  2. Drinking Apple Cider Vinegar Helps to Regulate Blood Sugar

  3. Drinking Apple Cider Vinegar Can Help Lower Blood Pressure
    There is also scientific evidence that ACV may help lower blood pressure, which in turn, lessens the risk of heart disease. ACV contains potassium, which is known to help balance the body’s sodium levels and maintain optimal blood pressure. It also contains magnesium, which helps to relax blood vessels walls, and ultimately lower blood pressure

  4. Drinking Apple Cider Vinegar Improves Heart Health
    In addition to lowering blood pressure, which lessens the risk of heart disease, drinking ACV can help increase HDL, or “good” cholesterol, according to a 2006 study reported in Medscape General Medicine. Other research, published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry in 2011, also confirmed these findings, and researchers also discovered that ACV can help control triglycerides.

  5. It Promotes Healthy Detoxification of the Liver and Other Organs
    In the process of helping to balance the body’s pH, ACV works to help detoxify the body. Research has found that it specifically helps detox the liver, and that it can help stimulate circulation. ACV boasts a variety of healing processes for the skin and blood, helping to remove harmful environmental toxins that build up in the body, especially in the liver. It helps to flush it out and improve the natural blood filtration process while boosting energy levels.

Another way ACV helps to detox the body is by breaking up mucus and cleansing the lymph nodes, which allows for better lymph circulation. When your lymphatic system is healthy, it can remove toxins from cells and improve the immune system response.

  1. Drinking Apple Cider Vinegar Eliminates Candida Overgrowth
    As ACV is rich in natural enzymes, consuming it can help eliminate candida in the body. Candida has been blamed for many different health issues, including poor memory, fatigue, headaches, depression, sugar cravings and yeast infections. While it’s a naturally occurring yeast, it can quickly grow out of control if the body becomes too acidic from eating too many processed foods or too much sugar, or if good bacteria is killed off from antibiotic use.

Candida thrives on those types of foods, which includes refined carbs like pastries and cookies. Some natural health experts believe that a sugar addiction may even stem from yeast overgrowth as the yeast needs those foods to survive, which leads one to crave and eat more and more, creating a vicious cycle.

ACV is fermented with a beneficial yeast that serves as a prebiotic for healthy bacteria in the gut, essentially helping good bacteria grow as you eliminate those harmful foods that feed detrimental yeasts like candida.

  1. Drinking Apple Cider Vinegar Eases Digestive Ailments
    ACV is very effective when it comes to a variety of digestive disorders as it stimulates digestive juices that help the body breakdown food. It can help indigestion, bloating, gas and even heartburn. In fact, experts say that taking just a teaspoon of ACV with a glass of water will bring relief from heartburn fast. Some theories suggest that heartburn occurs due to low stomach acid levels, and ACV helps bring that level up. Additionally, the healthy acids found in ACV, including acetic, isobutryic, lactic and propionic acid aids better digestion by controlling the growth of unwanted yeast and bacteria in the stomach and throughout the body.

Do be aware that while it is effective for many digestive troubles, it won’t bring relief if you have an ulcer.

  1. Drinking Apple Cider Vinegar Accelerates Weight Loss
    Adding two teaspoons of ACV to 16 ounces of water and sipping it throughout the day may help boost weight loss efforts. All types of vinegars have been used over the years to aid weight loss, because they help make you feel full – as the study out of Arizona just mentioned, it’s been scientifically shown to increase satiety.

A study published in Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry showed that participants who consumed ACV for 12 weeks managed to achieve significant declines in body weight as well as abdominal fat, waist circumference and triglycerides.

Other research out of Japan found that overweight participants who drank ACV every day for 12 weeks had less visceral fat, lower waist circumference and a lower BMI as compared to those who didn’t drink apple cider vinegar.

We have dedicated an entire article to talking about the weight loss benefits of apple cider vinegar, which you can read here.

  1. Drinking Apple Cider Vinegar Can Help to Prevent Osteoporosis
    More than one in four women in America over the age of 65 have been diagnosed with osteoporosis. To get this diagnosis means that they’ve lost 50 to 75 percent of the original bone material from their skeleton. This frightening condition is estimated to affect 200 million women worldwide – about one of every 10 women aged 60, one of every five women aged 70, and two of every five women aged 80.

Obviously, preventing this disease before it ravages your bones is key, and as ACV aids in the nutrient absorption of calcium, an essential mineral for preventing osteoporosis, it’s one of the best tools you can use to reduce your risk. By drinking it along with each meal, it will help to ensure proper calcium absorption to strengthen your bones.

  1. Drinking Apple Cider Vinegar Slows the Aging Process
    Other than the wisdom and experience gained by becoming older, few people look forward to the physical signs of aging, like wrinkles and sagging skin. The antioxidant properties in vinegar can help prevent premature aging and even aid in slowing down the aging process. ACV’s ability to maintain the stability of the acid/alkaline balance in the body also plays a key role.

  2. It Assists In the Fight Against Free Radical Damage
    You’ve probably heard the term “free radicals,” but do you really know what it means? The technical definition is that it’s a molecule or atom that has an unpaired electron in its outer orbit. Free radicals are continually created in order to carry on the metabolic activity of the body and are essential to life. They fight infection by killing a variety of germs that we become infected with, but, when there is an overproduction of free radicals, it can cause all sorts of problems.

If there are more free radicals that can be handled by enzymes or antioxidant nutrients, it can cause oxidative damage to cell membranes, tissues, proteins and even DNA, which may result in diseases like ulcers, emphysema, arthritis and immune disorders. In fact, just about every disease you can think of is caused by free radicals.

And, the damage that’s caused isn’t limited to our inner body, it affects our outer appearance as well, resulting in wrinkles and a more haggard look.

While avoiding free radicals completely is virtually impossible, we can minimize our exposure and neutralize their effects by eating more antioxidants that stop free radicals from causing extensive damage. Antioxidants, found in a wide variety of fruits and vegetables, and some other foods, like apple cider vinegar, helps to reduce free radicals in the body.

For the most ^part it makes your blood taste diferent if consumed daily and tic do not like the taste of it. Proved time after time in tests;

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Some things that you are quoting are totally sensible, but others I really think are not.

For example, no1, what does “help your body maintain a healthy alkaline level” really mean? Your stomach fluids are and should be acidic, your blood needs to be marginally alkaline in pH to function properly, your urine will fluctuate in alkalinity depending on what you have been eating which affects what you need to get rid of. Most things I’ve looked at use the normal and natural pH of blood as the measure of a “healthy alkaline body”. But your body is geared up to regulate this by itself! You can eat cream cakes all day and it will stay the same. Maybe your liver will have to work a bit harder, but it won’t affect your blood pH.

You are right that it has been used as a natural remedy for a long time. But just being in use for a long time doesn’t mean that all the claims are true (some are, just not all). If length of time something was believed for was the measure of accuracy we would still be thinking the world is flat.

well I was being bitten nearly every day and i was finding tics attached all the time; since using apple cider vinegar on my dogs no tics ever stay attached, nor on me. Many studies have been done on apple cider vinegar and tics and ALL show that it stops tics in their tracks as it alters the taste of the blood and the tics do not like it one bit.

My dad as a gamekeeper often in the woods and long grass had been drinking it for 50 years and no tics ever.

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And so easy to make…x :slight_smile:

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i use the living earth organic apple cider vinegar myself.

Could you give a link to a study? All I can find are things that suggest it could alter the smell of your sweat, nothing about blood.

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i had loads on my computer but sadly it died and hostly its up to you what you believe. ive been drinking it daily after being bitten several times a day and them attaching and since then i never find any attached.

Also everyone I know a husband and wife, he think its noncence and does not use it get bitten all the time so did his wife, they work side by side since drinking it daily she never has them stay attached. That is enough science for me.

Also by it changing your blood sugar which is a proven fact I just found several on google search but not linking as im too lazy puls not known sources so have not the energy to have the facts picked apart.

I have my dad dying of terminal cancer in his entire body so im back to focus on that.

Either try it and see the changes or do not its your own choice to make.

Have a great day now everyone.

Very sorry to hear about your father, you have my sympathy. It’s so tough looking after a parent like that so don’t forget to look after yourself a bit as well.

its my mum looking after him and the nurses.

Im just going to see him.

Thank you though.

This is being reported by The Connexion today. Thought you might be interested @Stella


Hi Mandy… I’ve been following the French press releases about ticks and lyme disease… it’s all around us at the moment.

I am already organized to see my Doc tomorrow, for another reason… but I am taking the insect in its pot… and my leg…which has just started to itch (this morning). I slapped alcohol vinegar on it as soon as I got back home… and put a plaster on it to stop me scratching. yuk


As you say worth getting it checked out.

Glad you’re taking your leg as well :wink::grin:


Doc was thrilled to get a look at the tic in a box… yes, he confirmed it… but said that few folk actually get Lymes…

He advocates letting my body’s natural immune system (or whatever it is)… fight against the stuff that was injected into my skin…

However, if the red patch gets any bigger… say to 5 cms across… then phone him for prescription (antibiotics).

He was a little bemused when I told him how I had doused the patch with Alcohol Vinegar… :wink:

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Excellent! Glad all is OK.

My French neighbours recommend CYTEAL from any local pharmacy, and it costs areound 3 euros.I used it when my cat was a kitten and came home covered in the little blighters ( ticks I mean) Just soak a cotton bud with the colourless solution and drench the tick and within a few minutes the tick drops off the animal , stone dead. You can also use it to shower yourself as it is a moussante and antiseptic. Fantastic stuff for soothing rashes and bites too. Just rub it on the bite or rash and within a few minutes the itching stops.