Have you had an email from the UK government explaining what you need to do?

I made my application on line. It was very simple and took about fifteen minutes including all the double checking.
Likewise with ants.gouv the driving licence exchange is fairly straightforward. Maybe I am a little more familiar with this site than others having used it many a time to buy and sell cars and register vdc’s but I really do not see what the problem is.
Rememder that with any computerized system the output will only be as efficient and accurate as the input.

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The RIRO principle at it’s best… :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Hi again Graham, hope you are well.

Just a couple of points.

Most of the people employed by the government aren’t fonctionnaires nowadays instead employed on normal contracts many of which are on a rolling one year contract.
Staff figures in these departments have been slashed dramatically since the days of Sarkozy and Hollande and even Macron ´s manifesto announced 250000 less fonctionnaires during his term of office. This has dramatically affected waiting lists in all government departments something which seems to have been forgotten.

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its the function rather than job title I was referring to Peter :wink:

Grahame, as others have said unless you applied between October and early this year when the ‘no deal’ portal was open you MUST apply on line. There are no exceptions, no other ways of doing it. I’m sure that I told you this back when the site opened, if you’d applied then you’d have had your appointment by now!


And also a properly regulated chain of command, otherwise why would we have had the fiasco of the blocked attestations?

The irony is that my S I L in the Pole Emploi says that job cuts have hit hard over the past few years but he and his collègues are doing several hours a week of overtime to make up for it !
Madness !

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Right I was determined to hunt down the information amongst my huge number of files / links / info - it is VERY clear that you must apply on line. I’m guessing that a prefecture that is probably snowed under with applications probably prioritises getting through them rather than answering emails asking questions to which the answers are available online.

:large_blue_circle: Do I need to apply if I already have temporary carte de séjour or have already applied for a carte de séjour at my prefecture, and/or I applied through the “No Deal” website last year?

In short, no matter which carte de séjour you hold or have applied for, you need to apply for a residency permit through the new system, unless you have confirmation of an application through the online “no deal” process.

What is the online “no deal” process? Last year, the French authorities opened the online system for a short period in preparation for the possibility that the UK would leave the EU without a Withdrawal Agreement. Some British people living in France made a residency permit application during this period. Those applications have been stored and the French government has said that those applicants do not need to re-apply. If this applies to you, you would have received an email confirmation earlier this year. Local Prefectures will start processing those applications shortly. If you have moved department since making your application, however, you do need to apply again.

In certain regions, a backlog of EU carte de séjour applications meant that some British people who applied for a carte de séjour up to 18 months ago had their applications put on hold, or were still going through the process just before the new system launched. If you are part of this group, you need to apply for a new residency permit via the online system.

I hope this helps coming from somewhere other than us perhaps it will give you the boost to just go and apply!!!


I thought the OP had done that :thinking:

two questions …what is the situation and what is required if wife has not yet reached state pension age so in effect has no income of her own and so household income (well above min’ level) comes from partners pension.
… … What will be required in say March for residents who live here but have not yet received Carte de Sejour when they re-enter France after having been to UK?


John, I’m sure these questions have been asked elsewhere, as I seem to recall that for a couple… the the Avis d’Impots sur la Revenu is sufficient… both names are on it and the income applies to both … and each…

Re-entry brandishing the email confirming receipt of the online application for CdS … plus the Avis d’Impots showing home address… will also work…

If I’ve mis-remembered… someone will surely chime in…

There’s another similar thread running with information on this subject John here:

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the power of SF…yes just checked our recent (and first) tax return has both our names on it…even if it’s all income from my pension, so different to UK,
And I also suppose a carte Vitale would be good as you can’t get them unless you are a French resident.

Going to be fun watching Brexit loving UK disappear up its own arse having to abide bye all the EU travel requirements!!

our Marie absolutely refuses to give them out…despite a formal request.
They say they have no validity and "so are unessessary and pointless "

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