Health Info/Care (in various languages incl English...)

The French/English livret-de-santé is a 212-page pdf and I reckon it’s well worth folk taking a look. Click on the link, scroll down and choose “English”
One has the choice of 4 languages always with the original French, of course…

and this is the main site, where much more info can be found… (but not necessarily in English…)

Attempting to download the English version just goes to a 404 landing page for me.

I managed to find it…
the link is here if it helps…

Thanks @graham that worked.

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sorry if folk have had difficulty… it’s definitely on the main page…


most bizarre… but thanks @graham

EDIT: I now seem to have downloaded it 6 times… aaargh… silly me. :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: