The reimbursements are worked out as a percentage.
We did a study about the mutuelle system and learned quite a lot and the first thing we noted was that there actually was no such thing as a general 300% or 400% apart from specific fields you can choose from like dental or eye care. (Providing of course you have rights to the French social security system and hold a carte vitale and there are many ways to get hold of one)
First of all you need to know what this percentage represents; the invoiced amount is irrelevant as far as the French health system is concerned. 100% to the French health system means the price 'it' believes is fair.
So let us say that;
- you are quoted for a crown at dentist, the dentist will invoice you 280 €
- the Social security fair price is107.50€ (this is known as the 100% or ‘barème ’).
Very rarely does the social security give you 100% but they assign a percentage that they pay, in this case it is 70% of the ‘barème ’
Therefore on this occasion they would refund; 75.25€ (ref
So say you have the work done;
Case 1; with no Mutuelle
Invoice Total 280.00€
Health System 75.25€ (70% leaving 30% of the ‘barème’ not refunded)
Mutuelle - none
Left to pay by you 204.25€
Case 2; with Mutuelle at 100% (of the bareme)
Invoice Total 280.00€
Health System 75.25€ (70% leaving 30% of the barème not refunded)
Mutuelle 32.25€ (they pay the remaining 30% to make it up to 100%)
Left to pay by you 172.50€
Case 3; with Mutuelle at 150% (of the bareme)
Invoice Total 280.00€
Health System 75.25€ (70% leaving 30% of the barème not refunded)
Mutuelle 86.00€ (they pay the remaining 30% to make it up to 100% and add another 50% of the 107.50€)
Left to pay by you 118.75€
Case 4; with Mutuelle at 200% (of the bareme)
Invoice Total 280.00€
Health System 75.25€ (70% leaving 30% of the barème not refunded)
Mutuelle 139.75€ (they make it up to 100% and add (100% of the) 107.50€)
Left to pay by you 65.00€
Case 5; with Mutuelle at 300% (of the bareme)
Invoice Total 280.00€
Health System 75.25€ (70% leaving 30% of the barème not refunded)
Mutuelle 204.75€ (they make it up to 100% and add 200% of the 107.50€)
Left to pay by you 0.00€
Some important points
We might mention that some mutuelles will give you 10% if you own your own business and are recognised as travailleur non salarié.
Another point is that 'Medecine douce' such as physio if not prescribed first by your doctor, may not be covered, so go to the docs first.
1. that the Mutuelle only ever refunds with a maximum of your invoice total
2. There maybe a maximum per annum per person
3. Sometimes it is worked out in euros not percentage
4. Very rarely do you get a 300% in everything on the policy, you may have 300% on doctors fees and 100% on dental, not advised! The mutuelles make the difference between the service and the product, meaning you could get 300% for the service and only 100% for the product) and wonder why not all the invoice is paid by your complementary health insurance.
5. You may the 100%of the invoiced amount back from the state security system IF you are a long term sufferer for a particular ailment.This 100% will be applicable for treatment to that particular ailment and not the other treatment for both services and products including call-outs. Just ask your doctor about the 100%.
Different mutuelles have different policies, this can become more and more complex so always seek advice,