Help to visit North of England

In mid November we need to go to Bradford in Yorkshire. Please note "need " and not "want".

However the whole airline network North of Luton seems to have shut down for winter. The only option seems to be Gatwick or Luton and then a train with the odd rail bus due to work on the lines. We live near to Bordeaux but would be happy to travel to Bergerac or Toulouse and leave the car there. Leeds Bradford or Manchester would be ideal.We have checked all the airlines we know of but draw a blank. Anyone out there can help

Have a look at Ryanair website or try Ryanair certainly fly from carcassonned to East Mids and Liverpool in the winter months, they also do Pau to Bristol and think they have quite a few other destinations in France operational to all over the UK.

Jet2 to Leeds/Bradford flights stop end of October.

there is also a system I heard about just this week - covoiturage - sharing a car with people travelling distances - apparently it's used all over Europe. Here is one site I found, but please understand that as I haven't used it myself I cannot tell you how useful or how good it is, just another option (and from what I heard there are a few different sites similar to this):

Expedia shows a solution using KLM for 300€ ! Bordeaux>Amsterdam>Leeds in 4h40 but that might be too expensive for you.

Hi - have you looked at flights into Liverpool - I know it's not ideal for you but it's how we get too and from in the winter months - I know Liverpool - Limoges runs the whole year through....

sorry can't be of more help but good luck..


Have you looked at Easyjet? Bordeaux to CDG then Easyjet to Leeds

Hi, Ryan Air do Girona to Manchester during the winter (at least to December). We flew to Holland a couple of years ago from Girona and left our car with a parking place for a reasonable price - they drop you at the airport by shuttle and collect on your return. It's easy to find and they have 24 hours secure parking:

Is it just that they havnt published the winter flights yet ? a few companies are late this year in doing so.

where do you normally fly from to ?