Help We Bought a Village (Channel 4)

I know a few of us watch via YouTube the progress of Dan Preston as he almost single-handedly rebuilds a chateau in the Creuse… well apparently he is also appearing on Channel 4 this week, in a show called Help We Bought a Village.

If you’ve got a VPN then this link should hopefully work - Help! We Bought a Village - Series 2: Episode 16 | Channel 4

The crew from the production company that makes this are all staying locally at the moment, I keep meaning to have a snoop and see whether it’s this show or another that they’re making. We have one of the places from the We Bought a Village show (oddly a single chateau not a village) 15 minutes drive in one direction and a ‘Escape to the Chateau DIY’ place 15 minutes drive the other direction so I’m awaiting an Anchorman style showdown in the middle of the village when the two crews eventually meet… :joy:


So I just watched it and… it didn’t really live up to my expectations.

It covers several families in France and one in Italy. The format annoys me because they’ll spend 3 or 4 minutes with one family talking about something inane like turkeys running amok, then jump to the next family and spend 3 or 4 minutes talking about the removal lorry getting stuck in the mud, etc…

I’d have preferred it to be more like Grand Designs where each episode is focused on one family but allows you to get a deeper understanding. This show is designed for the TikTok generation who have short attention spans.

Plus one of the families bought an already renovated property, so it’s less interesting than those who are doing it up themselves.

It was however a good reminder of how much progress has been made at Chateau de Chaumont since they filmed it last year.


I watched one episode but got bored with all the sidetracking away from the real intention. Had a lifetime’s fill of renovation/business and get very cross at short cuts and bad habits regarding doing things properly and I’m not even the qualified one but can see future problems.


I must admit I dislike this style of programme making as well - I think it is aimed at the 60 second attention span crowd…

I lasted 20 min before I had enough, it was just annoying.


You didn’t miss anything.

I was quite looking forward to it as well :worried:

I’ve posted before about Martijn Doolaard’s renovation, certainly, he’s the one for me - he says virtually nothing and there’s a beautiful Zen-like serenity to his weekly videos - he doesn’t jump about waving his hands and talking, just gets on with the task in hand, and films it all so beautifully with his drones.

‘Why are 500,000 people watching paint dry?’ The man behind YouTube’s DIY sensation | Art and design | The Guardian.

Yes me too! I can’t cope with shows where they jump about from one topic to another - that whole business of “we’ll come back and see how Doris and Fred are getting on, later in the programme…” drives me nuts!

I do enjoy watching Dan’s daily updates on Chateau de Chaumont on YouTube though, he’s getting quite good at the whole video thing now. :slight_smile:

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