Help with a Bank Statement Query please

I wonder if someone could please help me understand an entry on my Caisse D'Epargne bank statement. It's not an entry I recall seeing before in the last 6 or 7 years but I could be wrong!

It's headed:-

PRLV EDF clients particuliers

It then gives client number, meter number, Ref. donneur d'ordre (which I presume is the DD authorisation number?) and a Ref du mandat, presumably mandate number.

So far so good, but then there's a charge of 70.66 euro

Is this a charge levied by the bank for paying by DD or by EDF for paying by DD.... or what?

I can't say I've ever seen this charge on our quarterly EDF bill received here in UK.

Can anybody cast any light on this please?

Many thanks


Good advice

Thanks David.

Could be! Or maybe once a year or so they just like to put ALL the info in? Is the amount in line with what you normally pay? If so, and there isn't another DD to EDF, I wouldn't worry about it!

Thanks David. Yes we pay by DD but we don't normally see this much info for one transaction which covers 8 lines under the PRLV EDF heading. Could it just be that there was space to spare on a pretty sparse (for a change) statement?

Well PRLV is probably prelevement i.e DD or standing order. Do you pay the bill by direct debit? If not, has the meter been read recently?