Holiday home purchase - register for taxes foncieres


We bought our house (holiday home) in Lot & G last year. We dont have any income in France, it’s not a gite or anything like that.

Just realised we haven’t paid any tax for 2023. Should we be registering for property tax somewhere?

Have looked at Accueil | but it seems to require a tax reference, which we don’t have.

Any advice from others who have been in the same position please?



(Also means we cannot go through the new process to register the property)

Your Notaire probably/possibly made arrangements for last year’s property taxes… as the Bills would have been sent to the previous Owner…

This year you should receive your own Bills, provided the Tax Folk are up to date. It’s not unknown for them to be ignorant of change of Ownership…
I have friends who went to their local Offices to report that they were the new Owners. Worked well, big smiles all round… as they waved the docs they’d received from the Notaire when they bought…
Perhaps that would work for you…

Your Bills won’t need paying until Autumn’ish… so you’ve plenty of time…

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Will you be there before June? As even tho’ tax offices will be busy easiest is to go and see them in person and do everything at once.

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Thanks both. Yes, we will be there early May.

I am concious we need to register property under the new scheme before June.

Truly… there is no panic… as things are known to be behindhand at the Tax Offices when property changes hands… but, as you’ll be here in May, it will enable you to sleep easy if you can got it sorted-out with them…

I’ve seen the 30th June mentioned as the “deadline” but there will always be folk who have genuine reasons for being late or not doing whatever…
I’m fairly sure I’ve read that only folk who deliberately don’t complete the details by the deadline will be fined…