Horizon scandal

I was going to add a comment on this - but the most recent posts have been in the film recommendations thread which, while understandable as it started with a mention of the recent drama is probably not the best place for ongoing discussion.

I’ve just noticed that we have an older thread as well

Do people think we should have a thread for this and move the posts discussing the scandal itself (which I think is actually most of them) rather than the dramatisation here?

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Link to the dramatisation.

So was I, but that didn’t stop me being fired up with angry indignation and outrage when watching the episodes so far. What some people in the PO did amounts to criminality, but I don’t think anyone has been charged over it.


Indeed. And yet Paula Vennells, the Chief Exec at the time, still has her CBE “for her services to the Post Office” :rage:

The current CEO of ITV used to be the CEO of the post office.
I began a campaign to get the Royal mail stripped of the Royal part as they are a major let down trading on their past. Not a single 1st class delivery on a recent test arrived within the time space they set, they continue to increase the price and other venders are now more competitive. Add all this to the way they treated their Sub Postmasters and it disgusting. Our local SP left after the shame of being in the local papers.

There is a big campaign to remove the CBE, hope they win

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Well at last I hear there are moves to possibly bring criminal proceedings against certain senior PO officials.

Then can they put her in prison for what she did to so many innocent postmasters and postmistresses?

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I’d like to get Therese wotsit also condemned for making a nasty, nasty DWP that mistreated so many vulnerable people over so many years by deliberate policy.

Now the Chair of Imperial College NHS trust.
You get a CBE for getting things done, mainly innocent sub postmasters. You get a £400,000 bonus for doing excellent work. Makes you sick doesnt it.


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And to cap it all, she covers them in shi* if they go swimming!

Now it would be very nice if the £400,000 she was given for a job well done was also given to the sub postmasters.


Well, one or two of them anyway.

One thing which has struck me about this whole affair is the desultory amounts of compensation on offer.

I can’t see how anything less than a seven figure sum could start to address the trauma that these people have been through.


I believe also that, as of today, only 93 convictions have been overturned, out of 736 people prosecuted. To quote some otherwise remakrably forgetable politician, “that is a disgrace”.

Apologies if this is mentioned in the TV show… I’ve not got round to watching it yet.

I read a report of someone who did get a big award implies that no sooner than it hit his bank account the Inland Revenue snaffled it for back taxes.

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“Encouraged” behind the scenes, perhaps

I’ve been watching this for some years. It seems to me that the real failure was the British judicial system. There has been evidence for a very long time that these convictions were fundamentally flawed and should have been overturned. Even if the PO were still pressing for convictions, unable to accept that their system was badly broken, the courts should still have been able to act as the grown-up in the room, reviewing wider evidence, and also putting things right sooner when the extent of miscarriage was clear.

It seems almost unbelievable that it has taken something as trivial as a TV program to produce action, when years of articles in various news outlets were ignored.


The TV program has moved it front and centre in the public gaze - that’s all. Thus it is politically expedient to be seen to “do something”.

There is a distinction here between “handed back” and “withdrawn” - although it seems that Vennells is capable of “reading the room” it should have been taken from her :rage: