Horse Strangles

Help needed from the horse people here!!! What is Strangles in french???

Strangles is a disease caused by a bacteria called Streptococcus equi that can be easily spread directly through horse to horse contact and indirectly through contaminated equipment, handler clothing and boots etc.

La gourme est une maladie bactérienne très contagieuse qui touche les chevaux et qui implique les voies respiratoires supérieures et les nœuds lymphatiques de la tête et du cou. Elle est provoquée par Streptococcus equi sous-espèce equi equi , bactérie β-hémolytique obligatoire, cocci Gram positif.

Strangles = La Gourme
does this help ???

Yes :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:.Thank you! I now know what it’s called in three languages. Just wish I didn’t need to…

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Where are you?

Near Dinan. 22. But it doesn’t concern a horse, it’s a dog. They can get it as well. We’ve been through it before, and the vet was happy last night. All good.


Update: we have a suspicion that it may have been a snake bite to the neck. Presented like Strangles but went down without steroids, only antibiotics. Also ran a huge temperature which they don’t with Strangles. All nearly gone now :smiley::smiley::smiley:. Relief all round. Thanks for helping me out.

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