Hot Air Balloons in skies over France - Videos for a quiet moment

There’s a video in this reportage… put it on full screen… it’s short but sweet

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For Mandy

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Wow. Amazing. Thanks Stella.

Will 'ave a bash at that, given the opor’y

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Château de MAURIAC à SENOUILLAC dans le Tarn

I’ve used up all my spare lives flying in the eastern bloc, one thing I won’t do is get into an oversized shopping basket underneath a gas barbie😨

:joy::joy::joy: I’ve posted these videos for folk to enjoy watching… some folk would love to go up in a balloon… and this might be the next best thing… :hugs::thinking::smiley:

For those who have used up all/most of their 9 lives… I will try to find something slightly tamer… :wink::wink::wink:

Bugger, thought it was 10…

you could be on borrowed time… :hushed::hushed::hushed: