HOUSE INSURANCE.......Average cost for the Dordogne anyone?

My holiday home insurance is due to expire soon (is expensive and has to be paid in one wallop)- and as I am now spending more and more time here and will be going to the UK much less ( going through that difficult period of trying to get myself 'in the system' here as an early retiree)....I think I need to get myself French insured.

I do have a regular monthly income, but it is limited and I am trying to ascertain what the average cost of house insurance is in France and an internet search has revealed not a lot that is helpful...

My property is sturdily built converted (1902), stone farm building of a bout 200sqm habitable space with a large attached, old, stone, tobacco barn, that functions as workshop, garage and storage.Roofs in good condition.1 small stone store/chicken house...good condition.Under 1/2 acre of jardin.

No state of the art locks, or double-glazing, but substantial shutters and close French and English not isolated.No pool to worry about.

Can anyone supply a ball-park guesstimate ? I'm going to the local assurance in the next couple of days.

Hi - give these guys a try - really happy with them and great service! :-)

If you can find house insurance cheaper anywhere else (like-for-like) they'll refund twice the difference - amongst other things....

Direct Assurance

I'm surprised, maybe it's because you didn't need the additional "responsabilité civile"? It could also be that we had an insurance which didn't cover much and had a huge franchise! This is quite clear (if you read French, of course…)

This place is the only property that I own and although I do have an English address, I'm using it (via a relative) I'm using it less and less.

What was meant to be a possible work base, has been used more as a place to recover from medical treatment...Despite enquiries and contacts with agencies, work hasn't taken off and anyway I would rather be working part-time over here ... The number of friends and colleagues (and their husbands, mothers etc) who have cancer and or heart conditions etc and are battling that (despite theirrelative youth), has been a bit of a 'wake up' call....I dont want to cast a pall over the conversation, but none of us knows how long we've got......

The intention was always to settle over here and enjoy semi-retirement...trying to engage with more of the system, bit by bit.....

Strange that your insurance went up.Brian.....more occupancy, I thought, meant more security....You aren't engaged in some sort of dangerous occupation at your place ...or perhaps you have particularly destructive children or (wild) animals ?

My insurance went up when my holiday home became my home.

We get a reduction from AXA because we do our health and car insurance through them. But ours is our principal home (only home). Worth enquiring of your existing insurance company.

A reduction…. hmmmmm….. it depends on several things that are difficult to find out (loyalty programme, sales targets, company policy), but give it a try, by all means!!

Thanks Marie-Claire,

This was very useful...a devis site that actually works....and not only gives me an idea of what is covered and for how much, I already get my car insurance via I will be visiting them in order to make sure of the small print....but (I'm not sure if this applies in France, but it does in the UK)...negotiate a reduction because of this ?

Thanks very much.....

Holiday homes are always expensive to insure, especially if you take an option without a franchise. If you want to compare, this could come in handy

Good luck!

Try this guy. Saved us 200€ last. Nick Chubb. (English speaking ) 00 33 (0) 4 68 32 41 20