House Insurance letter: "Capital Contenu de XXX Eur"

I’m back in England and my French house insurance company Allianz have sent me a letter advising me of a forthcoming price rise on renewal.

It also included this sentence:

Votre contrat couvre: - l’assurance de votre habitation de xx pieces principales, situee au… … avec un capital contenu de 12 681, 00 EUR.

I’ve tried translating the last part, but I can’t make sense of it - what does the €12,681 figure refer to?

in my insurance docs that refers to “contents”… the house-value insurance is a much higher figure :wink:

Yes that reads as “capital value of contents” to me.

Welcome to the forum @Jim24 !

(Any relation to @Porridge, or just coincidental choice of forum names? :slight_smile: )

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The name is a coincidence - my apologies to whoever…

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No need for apologies - it just amused me that we now have a pair of porridges… :slight_smile:

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Welcome, @Jim24 !


Not your Dad then @Porridge ? :rofl:

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I’d like to know which of 'em is Scott and which is Quaker ???

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One has a kilt and the other a hat.
I’ve given up on both though, Flocon d’Avoine just as good and much cheaper. :wink:

You’re avoine a laugh!


don’t forget Jumbo!

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I’ve transitioned from Oldporridge to “Jim24” - thanks James

Does that mean you are the youngest person here, or a fellow Dordonnais? :smiley:

must confess… I don’t recall the “jumbo” bit… perhaps out of my timeframe :wink:

Your choice obviously but I was quite enjoying the plethora of breakfast cereals… :smiley:

24320 and never been kissed

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Jumbo oats are the rolled whole oat grains:

that’s a lovely part of France…