How do I receive CPF funded students?

Hello all, very new to this site but incredibly happy to have found it. I have been working for Victoria’s English Center in the north of France for 5 years and have decided to start my own training school. I have started strongly and have got a fair few students working with me. I really would like to be able to conduct training financed by CPF and was hoping if someone could lead me in the right direction to help me get started with this process.


Welcome to Survive France AJW. Glad you think this is a useful resource. Please could you provide your full name as per the terms of this forum. Thanks.

I seem to recall that you need an agrément from the Préfecture these days in order to be able to compete for CPF funded training schemes. Obtaining that agrément requires paying a fairly significant sum of money to pass the certification scheme, which additionally is only valid for a limited duration ?

My understanding is that the recent reforms to CPF funding and distribution clearly disadvantage the individual trainer / coach working as an independent (unless they are already sufficiently successful with a huge client base), but I would be interested to hear of any reports to the contrary.

To follow up on my previous post, I found this:

which basically says that if you want to vie for OPCO or other state funded professional training tenders as a professional trainer, then you will probably need to have followed a “formation de formateur certifiante”. This is because state, and training funding organisations such as the OPCO, need to be able to show that they are not throwing their money around on training programmes that lack quality, or use trainers that have no suitable pedagogical background.

Oh and this link also: