How do we register to be a Gardener now? Urgent Help...Required

Hi - getting more frustrated with the new AE rules by the minute. Nicholas is wanting to do a gardening/handyman business - and we've tried to look for it on the AE site - but it doesn't exist - can anyone please help me .... we're in 24 - I also know we have to be careful regarding the tax rules and he isn't doing landscaping - it's just domestic gardening and general tidy ups for people.... We have paid a lady who was recommended to us to get the form done and even she can't find it..


Christine & Nicholas


thanks again....

that's the one - under Services Divers... you would follow the AE link and it takes you to the new system which I think was called CFE (it's the chambers of commerce route)... the system does it for you so you don't have to find it...



Hi Christine,

thanks for your quick response. What is CFE and where do i find out about it.

As an aside amongst the list of jobs on the AE site. There is a section titled Services divers..

under this section there is a work title called Petit travaux de nettoyage...

Hi Mark - we started off through the AE route but then had to change to the CFE route - which lists cleaning small areas.... then you list all of the specialities that you are doing - and we got around it that way....

hope this helps


do you need to show any qualifications if you are registered as an artisan under petit jardinage...


Hi Christine,

My wife is going through the very same process. She gardens and also cleans .The list is extensive but it doesn't seem to cover the above. How have you resolved it.


glad you're sorted, i can assure youthat the ae regime is sooo simple compared to the standard regimes :-O

Bonne continuation ;-)

Hi - we got it sorted thanks - he's registered now and as hard as it was - at least it's all done... the system seems to have confused lots of people - not good...

Hi Christine & Nicholas, Ibam presently registered as exactly what you want. I am classed as an artisan under the description of "petit jardinage", small gardening. I hope this helps.


Could it come under Cheque Emploi Service? As a domestic service it might be a simpler way? Plus the cotisations are taken at source so no paperwork other than the end of year déclaration des revenues that everyone has to fill out

thanks Rod - lets hope this sorts it. appreciate the help cheers

The title you need is

Nettoyage courant des batiments

homme à tout faire ;-)

i hope they reply on this link

Also, but I don't what the translation is, an odd-job man. There is another SFN member who has done it that way who I know.

Dont bother , there is no facility to be an AE gardener as the agricultural body do not recognise / allow the AE system for gardeners !!

The only way to do this is to register as a cleaner of gardens and houses !!

Best of luck

