How good a job has Bojo and his team done so far

So true.

And acts like Vicky Pollard.

And here are come people who thought they were doing the right thing to help the NHS.
I seem to be having a problem with The guardian today, sorry.

Iā€™m not sure you are Jane. Links I inserted from Youtube last night couldnā€™t display either. Iā€™ve been having this problem on macOS and IOS and with content from several websites over several days now. @graham @james

@John_Scully @Jane_Williamson worked for me from Janeā€™s link.


That is the article I could not download and it just shows that they were lying through their back teeth.

Works for me too :thinking:

This is the one I couldnā€™t get to work last nightā€¦

it comes up with this in previewā€¦


Sorry, we were unable to generate a preview for this web page, because the following oEmbed / OpenGraph tags could not be found: description, image"

With YouTube I have found of late best to click on share then copy then post the link to SF

Iā€™ll try that next time.

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Another time bomb from The Good Law Project:


Explosive emails revealed in a hearing on our legal challenge over direct awards of PPE contracts show civil servants raising the alarm that they were ā€œdrowning in VIP requestsā€ from political connections that do not have ā€œthe correct certification or pass due diligenceā€.

One email shows a civil servant warning that when VIPs ā€œ jump to the front of the queue it then has a knock-on effect to the remaining offers of help."

For ordinary people, the pandemic was a tragedy. But for well-connected VIPs it was the chance of a lifetime - huge fortunes were up for grabs. What this civil servant is saying is that it became more of a tragedy because so many VIPs - overwhelmingly introduced by Ministers - were interfering with civil servantsā€™ ability to purchase the PPE needed by healthcare workers on the frontline.

Remember Ayanda, the company linked to Liz Truss, fast-tracked through the VIP Lane - who supplied Ā£155m worth of unusable face masks to the NHS frontline? This email shows Ayanda threatening to escalate their bid to ministerial level and another includes a civil servant warning of the Ayanda deal ā€œthe bar seems to have been lowered on this one.ā€

This is the cost of cronyism - good administration suffers, efficient buying of PPE suffers.

Government has been doing everything it can to keep a lid on the names of VIP contacts and those responsible for putting them in the VIP lane. We went to Court today, along with our co-claimants EveryDoctor, to try and force them to disclose this information.

So far, Government has provided partial and incoherent evidence, heavily redacted. And key items are missing from the evidence weā€™ve received - in particular no Whatsapp messages, text messages, file notes or submissions to ministers are included. If ministers were pushing civil servants to prioritise PPE contracts to politically connected suppliers, then this information is highly relevant to the case.

The Judge agreed that the identity of an individual can be relevant and should be publicly available if they were involved in the procurement or had a significant role to play in decision-making, in particular on companies referred to the VIP Lane. But she has said we will need to ask for specific disclosure of details on specific documents.

Weā€™ll be back in Court next week with that application. The fight for truth and transparency continues. You can read our skeleton argument and the evidence disclosed in Court today in full.

Thank you for your support,

Jolyon Maugham
Director of Good Law Projectā€™

Boris is continuing to claim that everything was being done because it was time critical, but for whom? His mates who had very little time to get their fingers into the lucrative pie before the civil servants found them out.


They seem to be making good progress.

Still problemsā€¦

Canā€™t do anything with your one John, itā€™s just a graphic with no clickable link
But I managed to render it for you


Yes but itā€™s the same message I received when trying to embed the Youtube link too. I think Iā€™ve also had it from other sites. I use a great bit of software, Downie, and it too has started to struggle to translate links. Iā€™ve sometimes fixed that by relogging on to the sites and accepting T&Cs or some other block. Thereā€™s something going on :roll_eyes:

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And Boris is laughing off all his misdemeanours and the investigations and Court cases into contracts going to people on the ā€˜Private Listā€™ saying that the public is not interested.
Well, I have news from him, we are and I will be writing to my MP to tell her so.


" I donā€™t just mean the people whoā€™ve hated him all along: there are plenty of those, and heā€™s clearly factored their loathing in. I mean enough people will hate him that itā€™ll become inescapable, the background hum of everyday life, and currently friendly papers will join the scorn. "
Jonn Elledge - New Statesman September 2020

Why Boris Johnsonā€™s voters will learn to despise him (

" I knew you could do it. Thatā€™s why I chose a woman. Just lie backā€¦ well, lie - and think of England."

Private Eye Pms Questions (

ā€œOne day, Boris Johnson is going to leave office, just as hated as every prime minister that came before himā€ Same Elledge article.

That day cannot come soon enough.


But who would we replace him with @John_Scully ? They all seem to be as bad as each other.

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Actually I think heā€™s going to be hated quite a good bit more than many who have gone before him.


Dominic Grieve? Weā€™re all singing his praises on another thread. Youā€™re right though, thereā€™s a dearth of quality politicians these days. I was never much of a Thatcher fan but she had some quality people in her cabinet. I may not have agreed with them, but I recognised they were intelligent and, in their own view, doing the best for the Country. People like Gove, IDS and Wooster-Mogg make my skin crawl.