How good a job has Bojo and his team done so far

What is the sentence for abuse of power whilst in office?
I don’t know, but BoJo has it in for the Courts after he was excoriated by the Supreme Court for trying to adjourn Parliament.

I think the offence is Misconduct in Public Office. This legal guidance document from the CPS explains more.


But wants to give up their chance of a knighthood?

After all of the sleaze scandals is a recent knighthood still a badge of honour or confirmation of a shady recent past?

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Its certainly a key to lots of non executive directorships.

Daily Express: Matt Hancock left red faced after losing new job at UN hours after taking it.

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says it all:

“It is right for the UN to reconsider this appointment. If Matt Hancock wants to help African countries recover from the pandemic, he should lobby the prime minister to back a patent waiver on Covid-19 vaccines. If he’d done that when he was in government, tens of millions more people could already have been vaccinated.

“The last thing the African continent needs is a failed British politician. This isn’t the 19th century.”


That made my day :face_with_hand_over_mouth: But the shameless bastard will bounce back.

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Johnson arriving at COP26

Looks like he is getting ready to shaft us all!

This is so wrong:

He literally does not care that our Covid figures are so much worse than our European neighbours “you can read what you like [it won’t change my stance]”.

The interviewer lets him get away with the “I dispute that” retort though - why does she simply not say “you are wrong”?


And then…

I tried watching, listening, but he is such a bumbling, incoherent moronic fuckwit I only got to about 40 seconds :thinking:


I think he wants people to switch off - less scrutiny that way.

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Yes ruling by the confusion principle again

No words :face_vomiting:

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