How good a job has Bojo and his team done so far

And deservedly so mark.

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I thought him using the term “world beating” for his mythical detection system instead of “world class” shows he and his speech writers are plonkers. It’s not the World that needs to be beaten, it’s the virus.

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I can only assume that concrete plans will be forthcoming today because that is what is urgently needed in order for the UK public to stay on board.

Maybe he’d got that bit from his mate Donald and his plan to beat the virus by shining lights inside people (as well as the disinfectant injection)?

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and wait for the tit-for-tat response to his “everyone arriving by plane will be quarantined”.
Up to now, the French have asserted that UK citizens will not be quarantined (as also for the rest of the EU) on arrival but if he is going to treat EU citizens as pariahs, then all those lovely English people wishing to come to France on holiday (when permitted) will spend their holiday in confinement :roll_eyes: What about by sea and train? Does the virus discriminate between modes of travel?
You couldn’t make it up (well, actually, he just did!)
Bone headed morons.


People arriving from France will be exempt Graham.

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Did he say that Tim? There appeared to be no qualification

Try and keep up -

I stand corrected then. But I was partially correct -

Following his speech, No 10 confirmed a reciprocal deal with the government in Paris meant restrictions would not apply to passengers from France.

He didn’t say it in his speech
 but then again the EU is a rather large place with many who travel to UK for all sorts of reasons so there might still be a risk the EU will impose a restriction. What about the EU migrants they are flying in to pick the crops for example?

You can usually tell when an envelope has been re-opened, something added or removed, then re-licked and efforts made to gum it back together. It usually has thumb indentations and smells of stale spit.

Wearing latex gloves, pick it up gingerly by one clean corner, if you can find one, and drop it in a bin-with-a-lid. :put_litter_in_its_place::nauseated_face:


The French aren’t too happy either.


The French are never happy about anything.

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The French are never happy, it starts from birth. :grinning:

Bugger, not only did Barrie beat me to it, I actually agree with him. Hopefully the day will get better from now on!


Ah, but people like to vote for ebullient jesters, rather than eloquent methodical and forensic seemingly charisma-lacking intellectuals.

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I shall say zis onlée wance

The new UK slogan

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Hello Bazza
 could you please amend your Registration 
things seem a little back to front
 :roll_eyes: :smile:

Unless Bazza really is your First Name
 (and I am left to wonder what your Last Name might be
 ) :upside_down_face:


I think that the restrictions that are in place here in France still apply, no more travel than 100k and you must have good reasons for doing do.
I think that the International Attention De Deplacement Derogatoire still applies, so there will not be a sudden influx of folks going either way.

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I think you really mean “understandably so”.

Myself, I’m plumb out of anger. The size of the Conservative majority at the GE torpedoed the last hope of some miracle reversal of Brexit. Anger faded to grief.

Now, with this buffoon and his incompetent crew mismanaging the virus issue, and the latest mad idea for 14 day quarantine for arrivals to UK [save from FR and EI] I mainly feel helpless bewliderment - “How can these people be so stupid?”

“I’m looking forward to some bruising rounds and a clean knockout!” There may be some bruising rounds but an 80-seat majority isn’t going to lead to a knockout, clean or otherwise, any time soon.

The best we can hope for, while we wait for the Enoch Powell factor to kick in [“All political careers end in failure”] is some movement to seccession by Scotland and the end of pointless ‘Unionist’ intransigence in N.I. It just might shake things up.


And when we are we certainly don’t tell you about it :grin: