How good a job has Bojo and his team done so far

OK, simplistic, I know, but it makes the point.


Obviously not simplistic enough for some people Paul… that’s why I think it should be mandatory in shops, on public transport, etc.


He is a man who has built his empire on sand and the tide is rushing in.


I agree wholeheartedly with this article Graham. Boris is loosing it. Week after week after week Starmer is coolly and calmly exposing him as the bullshitting liar he is. He’s grinding him down.

I’d say Bojo can’t believe just how quickly those humiliating PMQs are coming around.


Sorry Nigel but it looks as though it is going to be compulsory after all, after a couple of rounds of “will they won’t they” over the past 48 hours.

Typically the government is shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted. In fact so long after the horse has left that it has been caught and sold on to three new owners.

Ideally we would have done this on lockdown and could probably, now, be thinking of allowing people into shops without â€‰face coverings, I’ll bet fecking Cummings doesn’t feel the need to wear one though - 'rules are for little people after all :rage:

EDIT: Oh FFS - only from July 24th. So apparently the risk doesn’t count for the next 11 days, and only then is it serious enough to have to wear a mask.

You really could not make this crap up.


I hope he pulls a few more public-school masters’ theatrical shots out of his locker before he is rusticated. Desk-rapping is a favourite.

Others I used to find fascinating were (a) chalk-throwing (some Masters knew unerringly which of the sordid little sods in Form IIIc had released a fart) ; (b) head-smacking, of which there were many variants on the flat-handed wallop to the child’s occiput or pinna; (c) vigorous frontal tapping with a blunt instrument, a loaded chalk-board cleaner was interesting as it left a multicoloured stigma on the visage. One of my Vth form teachers used the flat of a heavy glass prism 12" long along the sagittal suture of the pubescent skull to bring the sullen miscreant to his star-sprinkled senses. His nickname (the Master’s) was “Piggy”.

Our school Motto was IIRC “semper ardentes”.
We boys were very pretty 'ard entities by the time we left!

Haha @Peter_Goble you reminded me about my biology science teacher affectionately known as “Yatesy” who deployed similar tactics. One very memorable tactic was to walk around the science desks in the lab with a large wooden measuring device stand behind you and ask a question whilst whispering an incorrect answer. Thinking it was one of your equally terrified pupils helping out, you say whaat you heard at which point he would slam the rule down on the desk with incredible force bellowing “WRONG!!”
He certainly was an odd-ball.
He had an Isseta bubble car image which he drove furiously round the bends in the drive to the staff car park such that it balanced on 2 wheels and he decorated the inside with Greenshield stamps image sadly his type of antics is now strictly verboten :slightly_frowning_face:

We had a primary school teacher who used to throw the board duster and if you had misbehaved you were called out to the front of the class and ‘bring the necessary equipment’, which was a gym shoe.
Same punishments for boys and girls, although I think it was only boys who had the cane from the headmaster,

We had a very tall geography master who had a size 13 trainer called Cyril. The threat was enough

It’s clearly just a token to show they are doing something. It doesn’t start until 24th July & only applies to shoppers not shop workers. Unfortunately unlike quarantine with Europe & other places with lower rates of disease which was another pointless token exercise I don’t think that this will get dropped any time soon.

The “start on the 24th” thing is ludicrous, I agree

Probably not.

There is already the threat of a second wave combined with a winter flu’ outbreak.

One silver lining in all of this is that any effective method of reducing Covid transmission will probably massively reduce winter 'flu as well.

I don’t see how they exempt shop workers. Apparently the motivation behind mandatory masks in shops is to restore shoppers confidence & boost High Street retail. I think it is just as likely to deter people from going shopping.

Seems somewhat arbitrary, I agree - but I long since stopped expecting competence, logic or consistency from this government (OK, I tell a lie, I never expected any of those things).

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I had one. Actually the only new car I have ever owned!
Traded it in for a Mini van.

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I always fancied on but never got round to it after which they were withdrawn from the market for safety reasons.

The UK version was rushed onto the market as a result of the Suez Crisis.
The German version had 2 rear wheels. The less stable 3 wheel model was produced to benefit from cheaper UK road tax.
One thing they didn’t change was the gravity fuel feed. The outlet from the tank was on the right. Going round a roundabout too quickly, the G-force would send the fuel over to the “wrong” side of the tank and bring the car to an embarrassing stop!

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I was referring to the issue with the front opening… in an accident, if the door was compromised, there was no easy means of escape…

No problem. Mine had a canvas opening roof.
But there was a serious lack of crumple zone!
I had a bad moment when a lorry that had advanced into the intersecting road when the lights changed, decided to back up. My little car was completely invisible to him. Fortunately the incident was observed by a policeman who was jumping up and down, frantically blowing his whistle. The driver eventually got the message and I survived with nothing worse than a crease in the door.