How good a job has Bojo and his team done so far

Thanks @Peter_Goble , sadly people often don’t realise this happens,I am of a firm belief that everyone in a public facing role should be vetted for child protection,even if not directly dealing with children


There are times when I wish we could vet SF posters :slight_smile:

Can we keep this civil please people? I suggest that as there is not going to be any agreement on the subject, you move on. Cheers.

or perhaps send some of them to the vets :thinking: :crazy_face:


We ought to be sending Rees-Mogg to the vets, although it is too late with six children.
The thought of six little Rees-Moggs being indoctrinated by this man is appalling.
His disgusting behaviour in the House yesterday when he made light of Scottish fishermen losing their liveihood made me so angry. He got reprimanded by Mr Speaker for claiming that now the fish were British they were much happier.
There is a threat of dumping rotten langoustines in Westminster and I do hope that they know his address.


Good old Lyndsey

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Here is another of BoJo’s plans that have turned to dust.

I heard that these tests have a 3% accuracy rate. Sounds like a recipe for making things a lot worse.

I don’t think that it is as bad as that, but they only pick up very high loads of virus and can give false negative results, so people think they are safe when they are not.

From The Guardian.

No further words needed.

Just heart-breaking really.

An excellent piece of work by Sophie.

Before I retired I was always too busy with work, family, friends, etc. to take much more than a passing interest in politics. But now that I’ve time reflect on what’s going on I’ve become more and more cynical. It’s all a scam really isn’t it? The proles working away (if the can find work) many on zero hours contracts. Paying income tax, VAT, Pole tax, etc. while these gurning clowns rip them off. Then, how do the proles strike back? They give them a 80 seat majority because they like that jolly old toff, Bojo and his pals.

Lambs to the golden circle slaughter.

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Didn’t realise the poles paid tax… :grin:


Apparently Johnson was “doing the best he could”.

FFS if “the best he could” has left us with the highest death toll per capita in the world and nearly the most damaged economy perhaps he should feck off and let someone who can do a bit better take the reins.


I must have been thinking of dancers not voters :roll_eyes:


Will the Wily Weasel pull a rabbit out of the hat? If people are sipping lattes and swigging pints again by June will any of his 100k victims be remembered?

The families will ,the NHS staff will ,the business that have gone bankrupt will I wonder when people rave about when things return to normal who they think will take care of them? I know a lot of staff are coming to breaking point. They keep going now but in a few months I predict a big flop and there won’t be the Covid patients ( hopefully) but will there be enough staff healthy enough to care for everyone else?


Paul, make a suggestion do, could you do better, could I do better, could anyone on here do better?? Maybe here and there but in the whole wider picture. Perhaps Jeremy Corbyn or Lisa Nandy or better still Diane Abbott?

It’s a good question. I doubt I’d do better (but I don’t want the job whereas Johnson did).

It’s easier to rule people out at present - the cabinet, indeed the whole Tory party was chosen on the basis of blind loyalty to Brexit so almost certainly not qualified.

Ed Milliband might have made a decent PM, I actually don’t think Corbyn would have (by temperament as much as policy).

On the Tory side, maybe Phillip Hammond?