How good a job has Bojo and his team done so far

Ahh, come on Ron, your better than that :slightly_smiling_face:

BTW, John, I havenā€™t spotted your response yet to my lengthy explanation as why I am so keen on a border in Ireland :slightly_smiling_face:

Having spent yesterday morning painting, Iā€™ve now got to hit Grand Frais. Itā€™s go, go, go chez nous.

To be fair a few commenters here do appear to think the world is going to end because over 65s couldnā€™t get the AZ vaccine and the rollout was generally slow, so they may well agree with this, yes :rofl::rofl::rofl:


I agree entirely. No more than I will ever master the nuances of the French language, Iā€™ll never fully understand the machinations of French life and politics. Despite having listened to unabridged versions of most (currently on number 49) of Simenonā€™s Maigret books (often when painting garage doors or such like).

For clarity, my gp is French, which is understandable as Iā€™m in France.
The situation of which I speak is as it was explained to me, during my last rdv.
Whatā€™s worse is having some lard arsed, inbred, Etonian, racist wank sock put in a good light.


It was the total unfairness of his remarks and then not progressing through the age groups which we found really annoying.

Is that a general comments about there being no votes in it for French politicians ā€¦understandable and true, or your view of shut up Brits and stop winging, if so thatā€™s disappointing towards majority of SF users who are great Europeans and support the general ethos of the EU project.

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the Daily Mail, D Express and D Torygramme along with the ERG have a lot to answer for in making the UK full of angry people.

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Iā€™ve got to being involved in both now, French because it affects usā€¦even if we canā€™t vote, and UK because I have my pension, family and friends there.

Boris speaks very highly of you Bob :joy:

more so than he did about ā€œgirlyā€ Cameron :upside_down_face:

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Itā€™s terribly sad. Despite Bidenā€™s (narrow) win my confidence in democracy is still somewhat shaken. Maybe universal suffrage is the problem. The World would be a much better place if only people who think like like me had the vote :slightly_smiling_face:

Good article on how the Netherlands was saved from another rightwing nutcase.

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Youā€™ve greater capacity than I have John.

bit late picking up on thisā€¦but what are the practice benefits of having French citizenship, assuming application for transition agreement CdeS goes through OK over and above the emotional one of actually being a citizen of the country one has chosen to live in. But given my poor (but have one to one lessons with French man who is language teacher living in UK via zoom!) French I be most unlikely to pass the L tests.
Any really significant ones.?

Voting I guess John.

Iā€™ve always voted in uk ā€¦and generally center left, but itā€™s not a reason for existing as a human being!

Looks like our mysterious hit and run merchant has, er well, hit and run :laughing:

Possible reporting back to and seeking further orders from her coven, sorry, cavern.

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Retrieve your EU citizenā€™s rights - eg to work, relocate, etc, in other EU countries; easier travel to other EU countries (and visa-free to more other countries than a British passport allows) - apart from voting these are I think the main practical reasons my daughter has applied for French citizenship (though actually the main reasons were more emotional - she feels overwhelmingly French).

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Iā€™m sure he does John.
Iā€™ve seen how he has the utmost respect & concern for ordinary folkā€¦certainly those less fortunate &/or privileged than himself.

Perhaps my description lacked somethingā€¦perhaps I left out ā€œbellendā€


Already posted on this topic but thought it was worth posting again as some people donā€™t seem to have seen it.
Izzy x

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Precisely that! French politicians arenā€™t so altruistic that they will do anything for people who live in their constituencies but canā€™t vote. Too much effort for no payoff.
(I wouldnā€™t dream of the alternative you suggested, tss tss)