How much does your heating really cost you a week

Space is not a problem, I wonder how many stere I could fit in here, I doubt I would need to buy any more in my lifetime :laughing:

We had a hanger like that, only bigger. when we had the house in Deux Sèvres. A neighbour had a business supplying logs to all around and he used the hanger to season a lot of his wood. The payment for using it was as much wood as we needed, all year round. I think it was a good deal for both of us.

Interesting one. We have the log burner as principal heating, electric radiator in the bathroom and bedroom. First winter in a house with plaster and the roof clad, and very pleasent it turns out to be. I get seasoned pine and chestnut in 1 m lengths, epic diameters! €120 a corde. I think I might need 2 cordes over 6 months. I like the two in combination, we are down to 2 logs at a time and the kitchen door permanently open… But I won’t know until end of winter. I bought an 8 ton splitter at €579. Paul likes his chain saw bit, and I love splitting logs in the autumn. The splitter is a marvel! Saving a lot of money over time. Electric has gone through the roof, from €2.80 a day to nearer €5. Despite EDF selling record amounts to Germany. And I know that because my brother in law is the chap buying it in for RWE. We had a Rayburn in Shropshire called Polly, she did water, heating and cooking. On wood. Wish I had her now.

Yes, my husband and I are midlands born and bred. We chunter all the time - it can be used to describe when you potter around muttering (usually to yourself)


Our total leccy bill has gone up to €36 for this last week, it has been a bit chilly, but that is the total, not just the heating.

Blimey - You must have a good oil nsupplier - 2400 litres now would cost over 3000 euros and the price has come down somewhat over recent weeks !

UK, not France.

We’ve been thinking for a while of switching to Tempo,but what has stopped us is the fact that we have an all electric house with electric underfloor heating. Heating has always been a big electricity consumer in the winter. We can work around most things on red days, and so I’ve just bought a 4.3 Kw portable gas fire. I figure that we can use the underfloor during the night up until 6am (which we wouldn’t normally do) and then use the gas fire during the day to supplement the heat if it’s very cold. We can defer using the washing machine, do dishes by hand, prepare some dishes in advance and use the slow cooker as well.
Tempo here we come :+1:


I’ve only been on tempo since March so not much experience of red days yet ( 4 so far) but it doesn’t take much getting used to. Most big appliances have a delay function so can be set for HC. Only comment about the gas heater is they chuck out a lot of moisture too (and dont forget a CO detector).

Living near the Med has advantages. As dose owning a modern well insulated small property. We have a Godin stove and run it on a mix of pallets and legally harvested logs. Only costs are cutting up wood and cleaning the stove glass every day. Keeps the whole house warm,


We have a VMC along with the required area of ventilation so hopefully moisture and ventilation shouldn’t be a problem. Got a temperature/moisture thingy in the main living area. CO monitor after Christmas.

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Be aware that some pallets are very dangerous to burn. Some are treated with various chemicals that can damage your health if vapour is inhaled. Some should also only be handled with gloves because of the chemicals used. There should be markings on the pallets to tell you how they have been treated.