How scary is the UK government?

It was meant as tongue in cheek, but it seems to have hit a nerve. As you I think said, italics are another option and had those been used I doubt I’d have even noticed them, such is the subtleties between bold and italics the bold seemed more like a formal instruction than the emphasis of intricacies of an issue. It was perhaps bizarre for me to use ‘creepy’ but the very formal way you set out the comment, and used the bold, made that seem a little bizarre too, it just seemed very cold and lacking personality, so the creepiness was perhaps (to link back to the other thread) that it came across like an AI created comment, no warmth or personality, just a few dry sentences with some odd use of bold.

I’m not sure who he was.


does a bot even have a gender :thinking:


Good question.
Was I being abusive to Google when my friends phone chimed in the other day when we were having a conversation and I told it to feck off.

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That’s a question for ChatGPT surely? :joy:

'twas in context to the drifted topic… :wink:

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Not at all. As @JohnBoy realised, it was for emphasis.

I do, however, try to be a gentleman* and was worried I had crossed some hitherto-unknown forum line.

I dread to think what you would make of one fellow contributor’s habit of using bold and italic together, like a typographical speedball.

  • using Wilde’s definition

I was going to say they better hope the newly-appointed Tory chair Greg Hands is whiter than white tax or scandal wise, but it only makes any difference with the conservatives if they actually get caught.


and why not underline it just for good measure :upside_down_face:


I insult bots with bad language all the time. Most CS bots being utterly useless. I’d have supposed whether or not you telling it fe. off would depend on whether the Scottish version had been loaded into its dictionary yet. You can look at it as your helpful attempt to help it improve its knowledge, I suppose :slight_smile:

If so it took long enough to find one that is.

OK, if you insist, we can go with all three

I confess I sometimes use bold italics on SF because the font used (at least on my screen) makes italics on their own a bit weedy.

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a bit like this, man huh…


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“In my opinion this could only happen in a fascist state.”

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Well HMG dropped a big one here in their attempt to usurp the normal Parliamentary process by sneaking in amendments which spectacularly backfired…

I’ll just leave this here…

Unbelievable :rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage:

If you think a judge’s decision is fascism, you have misunderstood the meaning of the word.

The English jury system is complex but most of the rules relate to keeping irrelevant material away from the jury.

If a defendant interferes with the judge’s discretion in what matters can be raised, it is possible (and here, likely) that the jury would have to be discharged and a new one assembled. I don’t know if that happened in this case.

The defendant could appeal his sentence for contempt, of course.

How is it irrelevant if it’s his primary motivation?

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Newly appointed deputy Conservative Party chairman Lee Anderson has said he would support the return of the death penalty as “nobody has ever committed a crime after being executed”.
Nor, he might have added, if they had never committed a crime before.

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it interfered with Suella Braverman’s intent to crush natural justice :wink: