How to choose a mobile phone contract

Hello everyone.

I would like to get a cost effective contract for my mobile phone in France. At home I’d check Which and the Internet comparison sites before making a decision.
Any advice please on how to research the various offerings in France. I am a light user with a reasonably smart phone. No desire to sign up to the latest gizmo. Based in 47 Lot et Garonne.

Very many thanks in advance


Google ‘meilleur forfait mobile’ or ‘telephone mobile avantageux’ or ‘comparer offre operateurs mobiles’ you should get comparisons in table form.

Thanks, Véro. Very helpful.

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If you already have a phone then maybe consider the Leclerc offering. It’s pay as you go but the credits last for a year. No contract either. Been using them for about 10 years now. Here’s a link

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