How to Claim

Hello, we have lived here 10 years and my husband has been on a 4 month contract each winter for the last 5 years, we have never claimed unemployment benefit, but this year we find ourselves quite streched for money, I have my state prnsion from the UK which is nit a lot, does anyone know what we can claim please and how to go about this. Thank you

Thank you, he is waiting for his Assetation now before he can register at Pol employ

Thanks amanda, will go to tge CAF and hope they will direct us to the correct people…

Usually the social person refers you to different charities operating in your area
Restos du coeur
Croix rouge
Secours populaire
Who will assess your income. So come prepared with tax papers and proof of income

Yes and she can also claim if income is low for winter fuel payment....for wood or oil or electricity or divide the help between all said there is help out there.... but first thing to do is to make the claim at the pole l'emploi and then afterwards the other assistance...with the assistante sociale or go directly to the CAF and make the claim directly without the assistante sociale. Good luck and hope you like form

Taxe d'habitation is based on your income tax declaration for the previous year (ie the taxe d'hab bill you receive this November will be calculated on your 2015 income that you declare this May). If your income is low then the taxe d'habitation bill should be reduced automatically. Mine is.

As said your husband needs to be registered as a job seeker and looking for work in order to get unemployment benefit, so that sounds like the first thing to do.

The assistante sociale will explain what other benefits you may be entitled to and how to apply. You may also be entitled to help with your top up insurance, possibly low tarif electricity, there is a lot of help out there.

Not can go to the Mairie if you want to and maybe if you want your business to not remain personal.....things get round villages very quickly.....

However the poster can look up assistante sociale in the phone book or on google and find the number for the closest one to her and then phone and make an appointment. Alternatively she can phone the Maire and ask for the telephone number for the assistante sociale and then phone etc....

As for the problem with the language, does the Maire speak english or his her assistante? or does the assistante sociale speak english...this is pot luck as some do and some dont.....

Or find a friend who can translate for you.

Same for the Pole L'emploi.....some speak english and some dont....but first thing the poster should do is to make an appointment with the Pole L'emploi either in person or on the phone (ask for the number from the Mairie but think it may be 3949 ) because her husband will be paid from the day that he first applied even if the appointment is not for one or two weeks hence....therefore if delays by waiting for appointment with assistante sociale for example then he is in fact losing money that may be due to him,,,,if he is entitled to unemployment benefit which is I think about 80 percent of his salary earned. This amount may make him untitled to other benefits but not to ask... hope this helps....

Hi Marjorie,

These are two separate possibilities :

1. Pole Emploi will decide whether your husband is entitled to unemployment money. I am not a specialist but here are the conditions :

The job-seeker is indemnified if he can if he/she meets ALL the following conditions:

- to have lost his job involuntarily;
- to have worked at least four months. These one hundred and twenty-two days must have been worked in the course of twenty-eight last months (thirty-six months for the 50-year-old old persons and more). The period considered (twenty-eight or thirty-six months) ends with the end of the last work contract, that is to say last day of notice, performed or not.
- to be registered as job-seeker to Pole Employ, or to be on training.
- to be physically capable to work;
- to be domiciled on the French territory;
- to be actually and permanently seeking job.

- Not to meet the conditions for a retirement at full rate.

2. The Mairie is the first administration you should contact in order to apply for social benefits. They usually have some funds for that or they could help you (especially if your command of French is not that good) to apply for Pole Employ and other welfare benefits (like Aide personnalisée au Logement, etc).

Once again, contact you mairie and ask them if they could arrange a meeting with the "Assistante sociale' (usually women).


- not to meet conditions for a retirement pension at full rate.

Thanks Christian, we dont have much at all, I dont understand why do I need to go to the Marie, we will need help with tax hab and foncier and dont know how we will pay the syndic or the top up ins. Will he be entitled to unemployment??? Our french us not very good…do you know the answers…thanks

Hello Marjorie,

To get unemployment money, you must be registered at Pole Emploi

They should arrange a meeting to find you a job /or not...

Otherwise, you should visit your mairie and either claim for local allocation or apply for other kind of helps, according to your personal situation. Usually, they get you an appointment with an 'assistante sociale'.

Hope it will help.
