How to reach your ideal weight for the summer!

Brian i seem to remember a message from yourself asking about Micheal Swan heating engineer

I did that on Monday when we took one of ours to the vet for a tooth out. Just gave myself a quick look before manoeuvring him on. All I can say is that I was 26kg more than him. I remembered not to shout over my weight to the vet too ;-)

No idea what I weigh now, we don't own scales. I go by my jeans straight out of the drying-machine before they have gone baggy, if my usual size (36, normal for my height) feels too tight then it's time to be reasonable and not have fromage ET dessert...for a bit ;-)

That said my vet has a splendid set of electronic mega scales for dogs in the waiting-room, where I have been known to weigh my children & mself as well in the past, much to the horror of other people.

I am averaging 72kg at present, made it down to 70kg last summer but a bit5 of yo-yoing. This summer I shall go down to 68kg and probably stop there. If I go down any more, I shall not protest... Well, it is only me I'm talking to.

Still plugging away at this! I have now taken to eating just once a day. It's working, down to 88kg. I had it in my head that my target weight was 85kg but having re-read this post I am still some way off!

I can recommend the ' the hairy bikers diet .
I have managed to lose nearly two stone in the last 5mths
Meals all yummy and meals that the whole family can eat
Not a lettuce leave to be seen us less you want to eat
still able to have my vino every day just count in and cut down the amount per day


Don't diet. Eat high fibre foods. Avoid sugar and fat - especially in combination. Take exercise for fitness - it won't do much to help you lose weight.

I am the same weight as I was 60 years ago. It just isn't so well arranged. Nothing can be done about that!

Well done Nick! Keep going and don't forget the hidden sugar in so called low fat yoghurts. Much better to make your own which is easy and cheap with a yoghurt maker..

Hi Catherine . This my second post on the subject. Since you "challenged" us to lose weight I've lost 10 kilos. Many thanks for acting as the catalyst for my new regime. I've cut out cakes and puddings - instead its fruit and fruity yoghurt. I've cut out sugary cereals/croissants for bkfast and have fruit. muesli, and fruity yoghurt. At lunch no more cheese/sausage roll type things/bread - instead its cold meats, salad, some fresh fruit. In the evening I cheat - and eat what I want but not too much and no fried convenience stuff. I was 110 kg and after 4 months am now 100 kg. My doctor is very pleased with me as also my cholesterol level is now normal. Best of all - my wife is pleased with my sticking to it and has supported my efforts by cooking new dishes - from low-fat recipe books. Thanks again for "the challenge" - I feel a lot better for it.

I started on an exercise plan 4 weeks ago. Just weighing my carbs and proteins, eating as much veg and fruit as I want, I walk everyday, with an app mapmywalk and it syncs in with myfitness app, a calorie counter, My limit is 1200 cals which is not a lot but if I do a 4km walk I can increase it 1800 a day. I don't think there is any trick to it, eat less move more on a very regular basis. I don't agree with fasting at all, that just totally screws up the metabolism in the long run. I have lost 4 kilos so far, I have another 3 to go. And tbh I am finding it really easy, I think the walking is the key, if I wasn't, I would be pretty miserable on only 1200 cal per day. And the dogs lost weight too....

Almost at my goal weight! Put on half a kilo last week - we went to Verona for the weekend, so didn't do any hiking for a few days. Hopefully been burning that off this week though. :) Just 2kg, to go...don't really need to lose weight so much as tone up my butt now, so all in all, I am happy with my progress!!

I am between 70.5 lowest and around 72k top. With the stupid sciatica that is still with me a bit, I have not had as much exercise or been able to do any real physical work which keeps me a bit over 71k most of the time. My target 68k is not that far off but circumstances...

If everybody else is out at lunchtime but especially in the evening, I eat only fruit and perhaps some rice and lentils. I have lovely, very hot chilies to spice those us. For a treat I might have an apple with cheese. Really, at the end of the day I keep low on proteins and fats but have only what I need and never none, eat a lot of fibrous things and even with aches and pains keep moving. Snacks are things like a greenish banana (avoid ripe one going brown), dried fruit such as prunes, figs, sultanas or apricots and then just a handful. If it is hot and I can do stuff outside, especially the walling I am working on gradually, I can perspire and work off over a kilo in a day although most (or more) of that is back in 24 hours.

I do a fair bit of exercise, but not loads, and that hasn't changed over the years. Recently I've been eating a bit less, and trying to avoid wheat as much as possible. I used to eat a lot of bread, at least a baguette per day, and I have cut that out. I still eat some, but only every few days and not much. Meanwhile at work I now eat only a main dish for lunch, and I take a piece of fruit for goûter at 4pm. Nothing else, BUT I eat chips nearly every day. :-)

I eat no breakfast except at weekends, and I never feel hungry before lunch time.
The result of all this is that my weight dropped from about 91 or 92 kilos down to 83, where it is now pretty stable. I'm 1m89, so that's fine in terms of the moderately useful BMI.

I should add that my work colleagues are bemused that I eat chips daily and was continuing to get thinner.

How is everyone doing, did you manage to shed those unwanted kilos? I am still battling down around the 90kg mark.

After sweating off a lot of whatever, I got on the scales straight out of a shower just now and saw 70.5! I've had a drink and it is still only 71.1k. As long as it stays hot, my arm holds out and I plug away at this wall building, then I may yet get below 70...

down to 76.1 - OH being away for a few days obviously aids weight loss -that and the hot weather meaning I have been swimming three times this week, and have been surviving on salad and gazpacho !! Even wore a bikini - first time in over 20 years! :D (And nobody ran screaming from the poolside!!)

More like prostrate than prostate in my case - had to lay down of the tiled floor to cool down!

Been stuck at about 92 for a month, 13 kg down since Jan 1st but must try harder.

I have drunk four 1.5 litre bottles of water today and yet I have just weighed myself and am 72.85! I have done 72.40 this week. Working outside in the sun and really sweating it all off is great. I am supposed to be writing but it will rain sometime... ??

:-) All is well, I relocated to the South-East, will update my coordinates, Villages perchées, magnifique!