How to reach your ideal weight for the summer!

Well that made me smile Imre! Ok point taken - you are always the sensible one :)

Hope all is going well? x x x

Catharine, I am not sure about your boobs... But in general women without boobs, that's a sad world. Don't go there.


Cor, I am thinking about my success and gloating. I feasted on spit roast lamb and ate several deserts, especially chocolate cake, at Véro's party on Saturday and still lost weight. Heh,heh,heh feelin' good!

I think they do look much better on women than on men. :-)

lol, they are a lot less hassle!

I would LOVE my boobs to vanish !

I am down from 86 when I started, at the end of January, to around 77 (I have stopped weighing during TOM week, cos it's always up, but it was around 77.5kg last week). My goal is around 74 - 75 - I am now going more by clothes size , than weight - I'm down from a UK 18 to a UK 14, so fairly chuffed with that ! Not planning on going below a 12-14 though. I got down to a 10-12 about 15 years ago, and looking at the photos, I didn't really look healthy at that size. So - nearly there :) Hubby wants me to stop now, as my boobs appear to have vanished! ;)

Well done Brian! x x

Correction :-D It made me step on the scales: 73.65! I am pleased....

I am stuck at just over 74 but am building dry stone wall at present which is sweating off some blubber. Just stick at it and try changing diet every now and again, a really strict high fibre week turns things round, better than a regime for some people.

How are we all doing? This is the first Tuesday since January that I have actually been around to post so I must apologise for picking such a stupid day of the week to update!

James is stuck at 92 and me at 55. I am a lot more toned due to doing more exercise but the middle could be better....

Please send motivation asap!!

up .3kg . TOM seems to do that, but feeling more toned, and my clothes are looser - that 30 day shred is pretty good :)

Well James is 95.1 !

Haven't weighed myself but will - promise....

Quite pleased (and amazed) to have lost a tiny bit (0.2kg)during a business trip in Italy! Ate out every night, drank lots of wine, ate rubbish from service stations during the day, and didn't exercise AT ALL!! I have also just started (as in yesterday) Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred - hopefully, I will get the same fab results as everybody else who has tried it ! Here's hoping :) Now to treat myself to a small chunk of chocolate cake ... nomnomnomnom ;)

We have lost a lot of weight since January.
Jim has lost eight kilos by giving up beer, having yoghurt at lunch instead of ice cream and fewer peanuts in the evening.
I have not been weighing myself, but can get into clothes that I couldn’t previously.
I find that not eating protein with carbohydrate helps and we are both following that and cutting out cheese, unless in a dish. We do not take sugar in either. I have also cut down on wine.
We both feel better, but pur doctor warned against too much weight loss. He said that older people lose muscle more easily, as well as fat.

Good on you both. I have been naughty in order to bribe my girls whilst mama was away and was compelled to go by their rules and eat what they ate. I have a kilo and some back, after the weekend I will be back in line though. Now that I am reducing the statins and will be finished with them in three weeks I must be consistent with the LDL cholesterols and simply get rid of surplus body fats in order to get generally fitter for the sakes of my heart. So, I am still losing waistline although my weight went back up a bit.

Sugar, I neither have a sweet tongue nor have I really been a consumer of sugars ever, but do not try to reduce the natural sugars by not eating fruit and vegetables (or a very little 100% chocolate - a bar will last a month). Works for you two, but not for everybody, that is the hard one to work out.


Whether it was cutting out sugar or whether the not drinking thing is finally taking effect, we are both now losing weight!

On Mon I weighed myself - forgot to post yesterday - sorry - and was 54.6. AS I haven't been below 55 since we gave up smoking and at one point was just over 57, I am VERY pleased about this.

James weighed in at 95.8!!! As he was 105 this is a whopping 9.2 kilos of lard gone. Big round of applause please for Mr H.

I would highly recommend ditching the sugar. After a couple of days you realise that a lot of it is habit and you don't miss it. We both feel a lot better for it too!

Catharine, good news, there is a 100% chocolate called Menakao from Madagascar, if you can find it. It is fabuloso. A couple squares a day is my treat - it is actually nicer than Lindt 99%. OK, it has some sugar but then all vegetable matter does.

That's brilliant Ruth - well done. We are now cutting out all sugar too...

Good week, this week :) Down 1.2kg since last Tuesday. only another 4.5, to hit my target ! :D Just wish the OH would help, rather than hinder ;)