Hypoallergenic Kibble for Dogs? Suggestions please

Just received an email from Zooplus UK saying that they will no longer be delivering to Europe. I use both Zooplus UK and Fr to ship Burns kibble - they don’t always have it on the French website.
Rather than suddenly finding I have an issue, I thought I’d start exploring now alternatives from European dog food companies.
This is for Vita who has an allergy list as long as my arm! At the moment, the only foods that are safe for her are:
Burns lamb and brown rice
Burns fish and brown rice.
I’m willing to consider single (novel) protein alternatives. (Not chicken, beef or pork)
Also, I’m not a fan of the new kibbles that are grain free unless there is taurine supplementation in the kibble (taurine deficiency in dogs can cause heart trouble)

Also, just to say to anyone suggesting I put her on a BARF diet, unfortunately it’s not good for her.

I would be grateful though for any suggestions that give me a backup to the Burns products. Thanks

Most of the special diets seem to be based on chicken, but here’s one that is fish based - and you could add grains to it.

But at that price might it not be easier to make it yourself? Get doggy supplements and salmon oil and add to fish and rice?

We get stuff for our dog from here, and have always found them reliable so I don’t know whether any of these brands would work for your dog?

@JaneJones Thanks Jane, I’ll have a look properly when we are back on line.


@Lily Thanks Lily, I’ve used Amazon in the past and found they tend to be much less efficient than Zooplus but it’s useful to know there are alternative sources - assuming any of them are prepared to ship from the UK in the New Year.

Use amazon.fr or amazon.de after January or you will be hit by extra costs!! Shipping cost to and from third countries is looking as if it will be much more expensive.

Because of a white meat only diet for my late Setter, Tosca, who had liver problems, our dogs now get only fish or chicken along with chicken based croquettes.

The fish is usually tinned sardines and the chicken cheap packets of haunches which we buy for ourselves as well. Very nice. The chicken is cheaper per serving than the sardines.

As a young dog she was on raw chicken wing tips and veg but had hot spots which often became lick patches which required steroids to treat and then sometimes antibiotics. We discovered she is allergic to chicken (and beef and pork) and apparently chicken is one of the most common allergens for dogs - and it so often is used as a cheap protein “filler” in dog foods that claim to be something else. Eg the front will say fish and rice, look at the small print and there’s chicken as the second or third ingredient. gggrrr!

Set me thinking now Sue, because Jules, one of our fosters has been diagnosed with an allergic patch on the side of his head hidden by his ear. He has been with us for several months now but it may have been there a long time and unnoticed. We’ll see what effect the cream I have been given for him has.

Is the cream ATOP7 by any chance? Our acupuncturist vet recommended it for Vita and it’s been excellent. I now can use it round any early lick patch / eczema and it doesn’t progress as she stops licking it constantly. It 0bviously calms the skin down very well.

I don’t know because I haven’t got it near to hand at the moment Sue, but I don’t think so. I’ll have a look later.