When I was in short pants (do any children go through this stage these days? used to be a rite of passage at one time) one of the first 'foreign expressions' I became aware of was 'Noblesse Oblige'. I thought this was rather nice and even at the the very bottom of the social heap, and any lower I would have had to start digging, and I did have a probably misplaced respect for my 'betters'.
Somehow though they represented what I felt and hoped life would be and even could be. I always thought then and now, that somewhere, someone needs to set standards for the rest of us to look up to and try and emulate. If we don't have the people to set the standards where do we get them from? Set them ourselves?
I fear that this is precisely what has happened, we have opened doors to reality, we have discovered that heaven forfend, no-one is perfect, and many are not even close. Through the trash media we have become enamoured of rubbish, 'reality' TV, sleaze and gossip - tell me the worst about people, don't bother me with anything good.
We are not only surprised that people have feet of clay, we positively revel in it. We delight in seeing our icons destroyed and our values de-valued. What do we offer as alternatives? Nothing.
How can we wonder and tut-tut all over the place when we are all as imperfect as each other? What standards are left for parents to impart to their children, when we spend half our lives seeemingly destroying those we thought we had?
How much truth is in the accusations? How many are climbing onto the media-payments bandwagons? How many will forget and deny, and contrive 'truths' and half-truths and innuendos to get to the cash?
Would we recognise truth, honour, decency or even common humanity now it jumped up and hit us in the face - or would we all be so cynical as to say 'Oh yeah, and what's he hiding'.
I do NOT exclude myself from any of this, but I find nothing very satisfactory in recognising it.