I have Lost my carte de residence

Hello, I have lost my carte de residence back in July. I have done everything I was supposed to do . I filled in the forum for a new card . Declared it was lost etc. It has now been for months and I have heard nothing from the prefecture. I have emailed them on numerous occasions . I just seem to be getting nowhere. Does anyone have any advice? All the best, Jamila

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Perhaps go to the Préfecture in person to explain the problem.

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As Mat has said… you need to visit your Prefecture… nothing beats a face to face discussion in your situation…

As you can see, the Link is dated 2011 but was updated 25/06/2021

How do I arrange a rdv at the Paris prefecture?

I would just go there if you are local if not I have no idea, perhaps téléphone.

If you are having difficulties contacting your Prefecture… why not ask at your Mairie… they might know what’s best.


When we were at the information meeting held recently by our mayor, he went into detail about what was being offered at our local France Service outlet. I knew you could go there if you had problems with tax etc but what he said was that the 2 full-time employees there were the first line of help for all things administrative and that, if necessary, they could set up a “virtual” meeting with the relevant expert so that you could go back to the same place in a few days time rather than having to travel a long distance to get to e.g. tax office or prefecture.

What I was wondering was whether @jamila could try her local France Service as it ought to be easier than getting into the Paris Prefecture?


I have a feeling I read somewhere that there is a charge for replacing a lost carte de séjour, even though the original card is issued at no cost. Did the form mention this and if so did you pay the fee?

I seem to recall about 299€ being the cost… and its not (always) covered under household/personal insurance.

EDIT: 225€ is the correct cost, I’m told… (I obviously was recalling incorrectly what I had read elsewhere on the forum… :roll_eyes: )

I just paid 225€, this was 2 weeks ago in Gers. Gascogne.

This is the last message I heard from them ;


Madame Hurley, nous vous remercions pour votre mail et vous prions de bien vouloir nous excuser pour la gêne occasionnée.

Nous comprenons que vous souhaitez savoir oĂą en est votre demande de duplicata.

Avant le 13 septembre 2021, date de l’ouverture de la téléprocédure ANEF “duplicata” et “Changement d’adresse”, cette démarche était déposée via la saisine par voie électronique (SVE) gérée par chaque préfecture (sauf pour la Seine-Saint-Denis qui était hors système).

Par conséquent, si votre demande a été déposée selon l’ancien process, nous vous invitons à vous rapprocher de votre préfecture de rattachement.

Concernant les demandes déposées via le téléservice, sachez qu’une notification vous sera transmise lorsque votre dossier sera pris en compte par l’administration.
Les délais de traitement sont actuellement inconnus de nos services et il nous est pour le moment impossible de visualiser un suivi sur ce type de dossier.

Nous espérons que ces recommandations vous seront utiles et que nous avons répondu à vos attentes.

Bien cordialement,
Unzile de l’équipe ANTS

Oh dear… did you lose yours and have to replace it then… ??

I know someone else reported on the forum, that their son’s had been stolen and she was horrified by how much it cost to get a replacement…

Update I’ve tried to contact the Paris prefecture . No response and at the moment I’m sending them daily emails . I just seem to get nowhere . I’m concerned because I’m definitely over my 90 days now . I’m just worried that im going to have trouble at the border.