I think we need more naming and shaming

I’ve found the number of companies that hide behind call centres and provide dreadful customer service is increasing.


Personally I’d love to see such posts about situations in France versus the UK as I now live in France, hence my initial interest to join SF. If I wanted to read Guardian articles continuously I’d go and get a subscription.


I suspect that many readers here do not get involved in matters French or perhaps do not have sufficient French to do so. Which is a great pity. The constant comparisons between YewKay and France are not helpful and rather boring.
But then, how many folk who post here actually live full-time in Fr?

My elderly and infirm mother-in-law was ‘slammed’ (ie. her contract was moved from one company to another without her knowledge or consent - it’s a well-recognised and common practice in the UK apparently, despite being illegal).

The new company then tried to levy extra charges - only at this point did the chnge of supplier come to light, and only because my mother-in-law checks her bank statements carefully.

When my wife tried to get to the bottom of it, her experience was very much like that described by George Monbiot - it was obvious that the company didn’t care at all about having acquired the contract illegally, trying to exploit it, an elderly lady’s vulnerability - they didn’t care about anything, indeed, other than taking her money. Cowboy capitalism.

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@letsmile , @randomadness - we’ve had this discussion many times before - and the sensible conclusion has been that rather then criticise what other people post, it’s best to just ignore what you’re not interested in and get on with your life.
You are free to start your own thread on French telecom contracts, you know.

Personally, I find the links John posts interesting and useful. It takes all sorts!

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Do you look at online French News…??

I follow 2 French Newspapers daily… and others every now and then… it does give a good idea of what’s on the go in France… be it good or bad… (depending on one’s own situation)


… and more to the point you post articles from them regularly on topics you think will be interesting or informative for us all which we are very thankful for. You don’t moan about what you’re not seeing or would rather see but don’t actually do anything about it, expecting other people to change their behaviour rather than you being proactive and being the change you want to see, you put your money where your mouth is and post the bloomin’ articles you want to see!


I post what (I hope) will be of interest and/or help to folk who are learning the language and/or living/visiting here. Can be very difficult for some and easy-peasy for others.
I’ve found that by forcing myself to read/follow articles, it does help the little grey cells and I can also chat knowledgeably (? huh?) with the neighbours (which they seem to enjoy, even with my obviously Brit accent…)
I don’t post anything obviously contentious… there’s enough of that elsewhere… :wink:


That’s my job :joy: