I'm sick of this

While industry is desperate for something, anything, that they can work with after March next year (and especially post Dec 2020) we still have the cabinet calling each other names over which of the plans already rejected by the EU is least loony.

Couldn’t organise a piss-up in a brewery the lot of them :rage:

they couldn’t even find the brewery because it would have gone bust

Frankly they couldn’t find their arses with both hands.

Problem is, there is absolutely no alternative… the Country is basically f*cked

I’m voting Lib-Dem - not that I’m particularly a supporter but at least they haven’t fucked up ruling the country recently - I fully realise that they are probably just as capable of doing so as the Tories or Labour and only lack of opportunity has held them back but I’m willing to try if they are.

I’m ignoring the little embarrassment with Clegg and education policies. Being in a coalition with the Conservatives is an unusual state of affairs, from which I’m disinclined to draw too much in the way of conclusions.

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I agree with Nick… :expressionless:

Basically Nick Clegg is a decent guy.
I’m certain that he ‘moderated’ the extreme elements of the Cameron government when in coalition with them and God knows, they needed to be moderated.
Cameroon was a pratt par none; He sold the stability of the Country for a ha’penth of tar to kill off Faridge and Co but if he had waited just a bit longer, he would have found they did that all themselves…

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It’s very easy saying two years after the referendum Cameron should have waited for UKIP to implode, but it was ‘chicken and egg’ as the referendum was the trigger.

If you think the Tories haven’t a clue do you think Labour are any different, can anyone tell me what their Brexit strategy is as it seems to change daily?

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Which is why I support Paul’s view.

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I’m pretty sure the Labour party can’t describe what their Brexit policy is. They are scared of appearing too soft because they are supposed to be a “hard left” party these days and the perception is that traditional Labour heartlands voted strongly Leave, and they are scared of appearing too hard because they recognise that much of their recent upsurge in support is from a younger demographic - who overwhelmingly voted Remain.

The result is a degree of schizophrenia, but they are in opposition so don’t really have to shout too loudly about what they really want to do - just mutter about supporting a customs union to differentiate themselves from the Tory party - I don’t think their heart is in it and Corbyn personally is anti-EU. He was against membership of the EEC in 1975, opposed ratifying both Maastricht and Lisbon and remained critical of the EU even though “supporting” Remain.