I have a couple of UK investment bonds and a Luxembourg-based assurance vie. I understand I have to declare them on my impot de revenus as international assurances vie. Tick box 8TT and add a list of the bonds on a bit of paper. Fine. I'm doing it on line. Check box 8TT and a popup form appears. I enter the details of the first bond. Fine. So has anyone else discovered how to add another one? I've asked for aide but no reply. At least with the horrifying form 3916 you tell the system how many overseas bank accounts you have and you get that many forms to fill in. I suppose there's always section E...
Ye Gods and little fishes, the popup has stretchy boxes. You can put a list in each box. I wonder how big the boxes are. I think we're going to find out. These are the box titles
Identification du souscripteur : nom, prénom, adresse, date et lieu de naissance
Adresse du siège de l'organisme d'assurance ou assimilé et, le cas échéant, de la succursale qui accorde la couverture
<pDésignation du contrat, référence et nature des risques garantis
Moment à partir duquel le risque est garanti et durée de cette garantie
Dates d'effet des avenants et des opérations de dénouement total ou partiel, survenus au cours de l'année civile
If you know the box name you can search for it.