Interested in workin with ornathology, local preservation, and any other volunteer work: Connections to these

I am looking for general information, links if you will, to volunteer groups, i.e. ornithology, quilting, butterfly gardens and others. Hoping this will be a good starting point for others also.

I'm sorry, I don't know anything about what's happening down in the Dordogne, but the local Mairie/Office de Tourisme should be able to give you some info if you ask there.

At this time, I will be residing in Genis, in the Dordogne. I am interested in gardening, ornithology, and butterfly gardens. Also support animal shelters etc. I've had some contact with "bird gardeners" in my area, and do look forward to working with them. I have roughly two years before I move there.

What area are you interested in? I mean in France.

Here, Auvergne, I know we have an active "twitchers'" group for everything around in the Livradois-Forez. I could find out more if you'd like me to.
