Is it possible to "Modernise"an Address?

The cadastral plan shows the name “Voire Communale No. 8 lieu dite de Larrats” All wriiten within the road allignment. No new name required just records entered and a sign for deliveries, visitors and emergency services. Chemin de Larrats C8 would be good.

You should belong to a commune all the same, your address will be roughly as follows:

Number something nameofroad
Lieu dit whatever
Postcode commune

Go to your mairie, they have all been putting names on roads/tracks/ paths like mad so they are obliged to give you a proper address, once you have it you tell EDF etc, you can change it on your espace client.

Edited to add my address was the name of my house which gave its name to a lieu-dit, postcode commune. That has all changed since the government insists all roads have actual names so my address is now officially

123 Chemin de fuglyname
Lieu-dit my house
Postcode commune

Pfffff :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

Do it in your espace client

Thank you. I will push for that. Jack

Yes, you can change the billing address in EDF & Moi, but that doesn’t change the address associated with the PDL.

Not all communes are as proactive as others.
Ours is definitely dragging its heels, I have asked a few times and they dismiss queries with a comment that it is up to the prefecture and not their priority

And not all administrations and their data bases
Bought the house in 2010
The first bill from EDF was addressed to me but the road name was wrong and didn’t have the house number just
Left of the garage xx (hadn’t been a garage since the 80’s)
Route de xx when the route should be YY.
For Orange internet
They couldn’t find either address and told me it’s something different and the road not a road but a Pl and has a totally different name and after a lot of insistence by myself and searching on theirs that mine is the same as my neighbours, which is Place de ZZ and my house No is again different?
Anyway all sorted now luckily the postal workers could interpret them all.
Delivery drivers have no problem with the correct address.
One thing to consider is when needing the pompiers to intervene is remember all the addresses
Route vers xx maison à côté ancienne garage xxx still comes in handy.

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