Is the French climate all it's cracked up to be? How much has it changed in recent decades?

I managed to cut the grass today!

Laundry done and dried in today’s sunshine… yippee.


I so wish I’d slept enough in the last 4 days since my sisters latest diagnosis to have the energy to do that it did cross my mind but between exhaustion / teaching / working this afternoon(been averaging about 4 hours a night and Tuesday was a cracker with about 2 - and I’m an 8 hour or I’m a bitch kind of girl!)! I can’t wait to put washing back out! Just looked and rain again for days and days!

Sorry about your situation…
I’m an 8-hour girl myself and know just how debilitating lack of sleep can be.
You’d think exhaustion would just make the body switch over to sleep mode at the first opportunity, but it doesn’t …

With the laundry… I just hit lucky…

Noting that yesterday was the one day when the sun might deign to shine… for a while. We planned things like a military exercise.

Set the alarm. (I had a 9am appointment anyway) and when we saw the brightening dawn skies… we knew our plans might just come off…

I flung enough stuff for the entire village, it seemed, into my faithful machine … and straight after breakfast, OH hung everything out (my hero)
as I trundled off to my first appointment (held in the street, so well spaced) :upside_down_face:

I was thinking that the bits and bobs might not get dry, but at least get a good start… and it could all finish indoors.

So, I was really chuffed that the sunshine lasted longer than expected. (OH had promised to grab the laundry if it poured, but he often dozes off… :roll_eyes: )

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Well Scotland has incredible cold and snow levels at the moment. Up to a metre in places of snow and last night it dropped to -23 in Braemar. The coldest UK temperature recorded since December 1995. I used to work as a Ranger for the NTS in the Cairngorms and Braemar was the local village. I once experienced -23 in rural Shropshire when I was a child in the 1980’s.

We came to the Plateau Millevaches hoping for slightly better summers (than Scotland/Wales) but with cold and snowy winters expected. You would expect an area with three cross country ski stations (including the commune our renovation is in) to have reliable snowfall…wouldn’t you? I guess the Massif Central is not the Cairngorms eh?

Another day of grey and very wet grimness here in North Correze.

Another bloody miserable day here, absolutely pouring without let up! REALLY starting to look forward to spring! Was it last year or the year before that March was so hot and dry I was having to water? That is potentially only weeks away! I better get my IBC in the potager filled up from the one on the house that collects the water!

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Take heart… @toryroo
Spring can’t be too far away… :wink:

I found my first mosquito today… (obviously fooled by yesterday’s sunshine)

I don’t normally kill things, but I’ve obviously flipped… as I squashed it with great enthusiasm.
mind you, it was a big one, not just a little midge…

Yes, it’s wet and horrible again today, so perhaps I’ve saved the mozzie from drowning :rofl:

Beautiful blue skies and a crisp -1C, midweek it is to be the same for 5 days and 15C weird contrast, daffodils are stunning this year.

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and our hardy little cyclamen - wish I was good at photos, but the garden is covered with them. There’s whole areas I won’t need to mow this year :smiley:


If anyone would like some, I have soooo many I’d be happy to post them on. They are the autumn ones (Neapolitanum) and late winter (coum). Probably no good for you southern types unless you have shade and a coolish spot

There’s someone in the village who has them all around a big tree, it is rather marvellous to see, there’s a thick carpet of them which stops dead where there’s no shadow.

That’s what mine are like except that there’s a great deal of shadow :smiley:

Our Daffodils are not even out of the ground yet!! What department are you?

Hi Angela. If you have a few to spare then we would love some. Our renovation project has lots of woodland, and Cyclamen grow really well under trees.

Yesterday, I saw tiny white flowers… wild violets… flowering in a sheltered spot by the roadside, where it’s mostly stone with very little soil.

Really cheered me up :upside_down_face:

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Within a couple of days here the temperature is going to swing by 20 degrees which is bonkers.

Department 72 Paul, near Le Mans.

By next weekend it is to swing 25C.

Many years ago we would often get a huge swing… I recall one February day when it was +30c and dropped like a stone to -2c overnight… and the snow came and smothered us… :smiley: It happened on a friend’s birthday, which is why we recall the occasion… celebratory drinks in the sunshine, wearing t-shirts and shorts… that sort of thing…
and the next day hypothermia threatened… brrrrr.

We usually have some of those at the bottom of the garden. I dug a few up last year and planted them under a hedge. Must go and have a look…