Is there enough Fibre in your Diet?

Interesting article… certainly food for thought… :thinking::rofl:

I think the answer to your question Stella is “Probably not”.
Personally I have preferred wholemeal bread over the white stuff for many years and baked beans on some toast has long been a favoured lunch of mine. I think I have some scope for enjoying things like lentils and ‘Cassoulet’ more often though.

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We try to keep our carbs to a minimum, partly to help pur weight but also because I have found that I am intolerant to wheat.
We have plenty of fibre in our diet.
We eat lots of vegetables.
Today it is cottage pie with a lentil base and creamed celeriac topping and green beans.
Dessert is a hazlenut cake with a blackberry coulis.
A non meat day.

I enjoyed using the “tool” to discover how much fibre was actually IN my favourite food items.

Some that I thought would be High Fibre… turned out to be much lower … quite a revelation. :thinking:

I think that it will always be lower than expected even for the conscientious. The Five a Day is a made up number. Research suggested that the actual recommended intake was more like 7-9 a day but as a realistic proposition that was considered an unobtainable so five was chosen. A huge improvement on actual levels and an attainable target for many.

I know it’s from the mail, but…It turns out I’ve been right, so there Mrs R!!.:grin::beers:

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Oops, I took the test and went to the bottom of the class on healthier alternatives :confounded:

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It is a good idea to look though, isn’t it… I’m going to do some more checking and try to improve…

Trouble is some days I eat a lot and others I only want to nibble…

I bought a load of vegetables on the market yesterday so have a very healthy and tasty soup for a few days. Sometimes at lunch, sometimes in the evening and sometimes just taking the veggies out to serve with spicy chicken breasts :slight_smile:

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I’ve mixed veg simmering on the stove… then, I’ll add the leftover beans from yesterday’s cassoulet and we’ll enjoy that lot for lunch, sitting by the fire… mmm

I predict high winds in our area by nightfall… :roll_eyes:

Just went to look out of the window at our weather when I realised you meant from the beans :rofl:

In the early days… a neighbour kept mentioning … .le vent du nord… and it took me ages to realize what he was on about… :open_mouth::roll_eyes:

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Test? Didn’t see it.

However I reckon my diet is probably over the required threshold as we eat & drink a lot of high fibre food, so one less thing to worry about thankfully.

Jane… we clicked on … BBC: How Carb Clever Are You… in the article… and it opens this…