It seems the French get quite irritated by tourists!

in fact there was a ‘but’ missing; but there you go - glad you got the thrust of what I was saying :thinking:
Nice to know the Grammar Police are vigilant!
what would we do without you?

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Ah Norman… where would we be without them…

up the creek without a piddle… :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Try typing with this shoved up your arm


I note the word Humérus … but I reckon you aren’t finding it much fun… eh Norman… :wink:

take care

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Lovely clear lungscapes, Norman, like a thirteen-year-old; and there’s a touch of gas under the diaphragm, maybe giving you the stitch? :joy::hugs:

I’d rub the small of your back to get a good burp, but I’d be wary of catching your steel-laden left arm across my schnozzle before I could say “Is that better, Norman?” :hugs::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

The last time I was in hospital I was on a fat free diet, but food was food!

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Google street view often has a timeline of the passes made along any particular route. Can be v useful.

One of my ‘faves’ was included in passes made in Feb 2010, in Aug 2015 and most recently in July 2016.

On all three there is

And it is listed as A Vendre to this day, now with a UK-based agency.

Clearly it didn’t sell 02/10 to 07/16. It’s unlike it sold 2016+ and is now back on sale in 2020. Is there a way to find out - French equiv of Land Registry?

If it didn’t, there may be scope for a flippin’ great reduction. It’s on at €99k. I’m not paying that …!

Pace Barabara Deane. I don’t mind irritating the locals a little bit if I buy this place with a sizeable discount. I shall invite them round for tea and make up.

And that is what we negotiated…enough to keep all sides happy. And I now value their friendship more than had we forced the price down an extra 10k.

The nub of all trade. ‘Fair exchange is no robbery’.

I’ve no idea if you can find out how long it’s been on the market… but merely the point that it is on the market and has been (even on and off) over the years… might make it a bargaining chip… in as much as … do the current owners want rid of it ???

If they “want rid” then they will accept a lower price… go in low and be prepared to work up to whatever you feel inclined…

If they are truly happy there and simply waiting for their price… mmm… not much good thinking they’ll take a major drop.

In our commune… I can only speak from the last 20 years… but… no-one holds animosity against a Buyer… for Buying ( the price paid, is the price paid and that’s that)…

It is how the Buyer behaves in his/her role as a member of our commune… that is what counts !!

As one of four kids… it was eat or starve… and if I didn’t tuck in quick enough there was always a sibling ready to dive in… :roll_eyes:

Sorry Peter but lumping the whole population together as ‘the French’ will always be a generalisation.


@Charente advises us:

Sorry Peter but lumping the whole population together as ‘the French’ will always be a generalisation.

Who’s lumping? Not me.

Do the English eat fish and chips? Do the English drink tea with milk added? Is it really the case that the English eat bacon and fried eggs for breakfast? Do the English like sausage sandwiches with HP sauce? Do bears shit in the woods? :thinking:

Do polar bears shit in the woods?

If from “the French” someone infers all French the inference is wrong, and mistakenly assumptive IMO. There are, I am ready to admit, times when a generalisation can be distinguished as in “the French mistrust the Germans” or 'the English dislike French food".

The nuanced meaning is evident from the context.

Not all do. To lump people together as The this and The that is generalising. Admittedly we are all guilty at times

Anyone seen a tree here :wink:

Hahaha :evergreen_tree::grinning:

Hurry up dammit! I’m bearsting!! :bear:

Peter it does get very frustrating when a post is edited after you have replied to it. My original answer was to your brief original post Now after many edits and much length gained by your post mine seems pointless

But Eddie, there’s nothing in your post to indicate it was in response to mine. If it was, to which one? The “pizza” one or the "fish and chips one’?

I elaborated the second to try to suggest that some statement of the kind critiqued were not intended to generalise to " all".

So to suggest that the implication was that ALL English people eat fish and chips would be mischievous.

I think it is. English grammar and syntax support my argument.

I’m other words, anyone who thinks that “French people drink wine with their meals” is a generalisation is correct, but it does not exclude the fact that some French people prefer water, and some abstain from alcohol, and it can not logiically be interpreted as meaning ALL French people drink wine with their meals.

It’s common sense IMO.

Okay Peter I will ensure from now on even if my post is next to yours I make it obvious who I am replying to


@Eddie best to do so. Some posts generate lots of responses, and yours may be pushed down the thread and not evidently connected to anything.

Or someone may post a reply to a different comment, and that response may appear under mine. Or someone may post an unrelated comment not connected to the topic at all!

That way confusion lies! :thinking::lying_face::expressionless::roll_eyes::sob::notes::notes::grimacing: