Jean Castex : France/re Ukraine War

here is the video… a bit long, but I do like to hear it “from the horse’s mouth”…

Thanks for posting the video Stella. As you say, it is a bit lengthy but well worth taking the time to hear how the government is going to help out to soften the economic impact in various ways.
Seems to me that now is the time, more than ever, for all of us to act in whatever way we can to reduce the national reliance on fossil fuels. I expect it will be a combination of consolidating car journeys, turning thermostats down a bit, increasing insulation levels, and various other measures including simple things like turning off lights that are not really needed.
The government will not be able to artificially suppress the price of mains gas and electricity forever, so we all need to make our preparations now.

I’m really glad we took these steps 3 years ago when we moved into our new house. We’re in the fortunate situation where, because of lots of solar panels and a very well insulated house along with some technology, we have been able to send more electricity to the grid than we consume from it. That just leaves the car, which at the moment I can’t do much about apart from driving less. I have calculated though that with what we generate in total, we save enough CO2 to cover about 2/3 of the driving we do in the car we have every year. And that’s based on average CO2 per KW/h of electricity generation for France, which is much lower than most EU countries due to nuclear.

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