Jean-Michel Jarre - The making of Oxygène

I enjoyed this piece looking at Jean-Michel Jarre and his creation Oxygene.
His mum said she loved the music but didn’t think people would appreciate the skull on the cover and the name of a gas.
Another groundbreaking piece of music the music companies shied away from initially.


Just such a fabulous record. I loved it.

Me too. I made a simple synthesiser when I was a teenager. Such fun.

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Did it get you in the moog?



Yes, it really struck a chord with me :musical_keyboard:

Coincidentally, I almost bought a vinyl copy of Oxygène at a vide grenier on Sunday. Only €2, but it wasn’t in great condition so I passed on it.

I have a CD and it has annoying pops when trying to listen but you cant turn it into a fruit bowl like you could with vinyl :blush: