John Prescott has died

Met him a few times. He was big pal of one of my building federation friends and often invited to give a talk. He was a good allie for us in Westminster.
He was a real hoot when attending our dinner dances.
He got a lot of stick for being rough and ready but was a man of his time
My friend was awarded an MBE, its not what but who you know!
Two jags from Hull RIP.

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Do we know if it was natural causes or the shock of his seeing the new Jaguar re-branding advert?


It is a shocker! :flushed:

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The former - he’s had Alzheimer’s for a while.

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I like the Jaguar rebranding advert… because it’s riled so many people such as GBeebies News :rofl:

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Wasn’t it on “Have I got News for You” many years ago that he failed to show up for his turn and the producers put a block of lard on the desk instead? Quite insulting at the time.

So, a stonking success!

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That lard sat in for Roy Hattersley after he cancelled at short notice for the 3rd time.


I might well have been the black suited civil servant in the background trying to keep him from straying too far off message. He was great and I enjoyed working for him - even when he was swearing blue murder at me! Did some good projects too.


OK right, thanks for the info. Always thought it was Prescott but now that name rings a bell too.

Prescott turned up!


I didn’t mind the Jaguar rebranding at all, but this new design might be pushing things a bit far… :see_no_evil:


Lady Penelope springs to mind.