Just received a tax number; but need to contest the amount of tax


I’m bona fide as a taxpaying resident of France. So cool! That’s the silver lining. Because I just received my first tax bill and the dues for this particular club membership seem a bit off the scale…

I need to ask a tax expert in France, to review what I’m charged. Would anyone have recommendations for a tax expert in Charente or Vienne, hopefully near Confolens or Chabanais?

I have a little bit of time before the payment is due, and I’m thinking I’ll ask a tax expert to review before I pay it. However, in the meantime, I’ve tried to register my shiny new tax number as a particulier on impots.gouv.fr; just wanted to set up my individual account, but it won’t recognize the tax number…

Can anyone offer any insight? I’m not good enough yet with French to hazard a phone call to the number provided, so would be grateful if anyone can just clarify whether there are any more hoops to jump through before I’m allowed to set up my individual account. Perhaps I won’t be ‘officially’ in the system until I’ve paid the tax? It kind of makes sense… Just wonder if anyone can confirm, please.

Thanks in advance.

What type of tax bill?

I’ve never received a French tax bill in May - mine usually come in the autumn.
Given that the government website does not recognise your new tax number, is it possible that the communication is a scam? What instructions does it give for payment?

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The only number you need to connect your account on gouv.impots.fr is your revenue fiscal de référence or RFR which is on your last tax return. Even if you have submitted your online tax return already, which I’m assuming you haven’t if you can’t connect to your account, it is too soon to have a bill to pay.
As Brian suggests I suspect a scam. There are a lot of them flying around. If in doubt, ask a French speaking friend or neighbour to help you and call your local tax office. Better to be safe rather than sorry.

The header states: “Direction Générale des Finances Publiques [in all capital letters]… Impôts et prélevéments sociaux sur les revenus de 2019… Avis d’impôt etabli en 2021”

We started this whole process back last July. In January, I was told to re-send some information to the same person I’d sent the documents and the tax form so it all seemed fine. My income situation is based disbersement via a small trust fund in the states, not a pension. I think it confused the nice tax folks, a bit.

Thanks, all. I will do so.

The RFR is the overall net income amount…Mary needs her numero fiscal de référence.

And to Mary, that sounds like a real bill if it relates to 2019.

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My mistake, I meant to write numéro fiscale.


real or reel?


The opening page on impots.gouv presents the following:

and there are 2 ways to log in either by creating your space or by creating an account with FranceConnect but as the graphic shows, and others have said you need to enter your 13 number fiscal reference after which you select a suitable password to protect your account. There is a secure place on the login page to ask a question once logged in.


Thanks for taking the time and trouble! I’ll try again.

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I went to impots.gouv.fr and then used my Ameli account (via FranceConnect); it recognized that I was trying to set up my account on impots.gouv.fr

So, I’ve now got my individual account set up. Looks like I’m truly bona fide. :slight_smile:

Interestingly, the numéro fiscal on that tax letter I received, is different from the numéro fiscal listed on my new online account… I’ll ask a tax expert when I find one to consult. If anyone’s interested I can post my findings on this.

Otherwise, thanks for the help. Really appreciate it.

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Is one personal and the other professional perhaps? Either way, use the Messagerie sécurisée facility on the log in page to ask the question (google is your friend).

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Great thought… I’m not old enough to be retired yet, and I’ve listed an occupation: artist but not sure whether just mentioning an occupation amounts to having two different fiscal numbers. Perhaps there’s something else driving the existence of two numbers for me. I have a married surname and a birth surname… Will check to see if this is a possible reason.


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