Kids' English Classes In Carcassonne

Take your kids from age 3 to 10 along to one of Evelyne’s English language workshops in Carcassonne. They are for French and English kids, so the French kids learn English and the English kids practice their native tongue. They learn to cook, and discover different ingredients, learn poems, sing songs, make puppets and create puppet plays, draw and paint pictures.

In term time they are every Wednesday for an hour and in the school holidays for two hours a day Monday to Friday. Contact details for Evelyne: EVELYNE GOLOMB,3 RUE RENE DESCARTES, CARCASSONNE tel 04-68-25-91-69

Evelyne also teaches French to people of all ages!

You’lll need to ask Evelyne directly, Felicity…

Need - would love to help? I live in Carcassonne & have been a TEFL teacher for 21 years- may be able to put a few hours in if you need a hand… Felicity

Evelyne would like me to add that all her ingredients are locally grown and organic. Evelyne the puppets are made from natural materials eg sheepswool and together with the eldest ones they act out stories like Godilocks and the Three Bears, the Three Little Pigs etc and they perform small seasonal plays.

Brilliant Gill! Let me know how it goes. Wendy x

This looks fantastic. Thanks for posting this. I will definately get my two children enrolled.
Many thanks
Gill King