La Chasse - are they really a law unto themselves?

There are traffic calming chicanes on the main road, one is just before the junction. The main road (if you can call it that :face_with_hand_over_mouth:) just after the chicane, has another road joining from the left and then opposite a very narrow one way that leads into the middle of the village. He shoots across the main road up the small road going straight over the main road.

Try doing 50/60/70 over a sleeping policeman. You’ll break your exhaust.

We have chicanes on the naturally narrow road crossing the village.
Sleeping policmen were deemed impossible due to the machinery/vehicles which use the road.
( :roll_eyes:don’t ask me, I’m no expert, but that’s how it was explained to us residents :roll_eyes:).

We’ve asked for traffic lights, but until someone dies
 no hope

It’s what the Citroen CX was made for. :wink:

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@hairbear @Stella Sounds like you need one of these

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Interesting and informative

Ever feel like capturing a bit of footage on a phone so the flics can’t ignore it?

Unfortunately, if you did that, you would be prosecuted, as doing that is illegal. Meanwhile, the idiot would not be prosecuted.

Bonkers innit

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It’s been tried
 seems that a private person’s camera footage is not the same (in Law) as footage captured by an official camera

That’ll work well I’m sure in the radio signal grey zones we have in our area

L’objectif auquel je crois profondĂ©ment est celui de tendre vers le zĂ©ro accident. AprĂšs de nombreux Ă©changes, le Gouvernement a construit un plan
juste et efficace. Au cours de ces semaines de consultation, 3 axes ont été
identifiĂ©s comme permettant d’amĂ©liorer la situation.

Voeu pieux, si jamais il en Ă©tait

I note that the use of the app will only be obligatory for “chasses collectives”, and not “individuelles”, as we find, in the same paragraph, the following two sentences:

Chaque personne pourra identifier une zone non chassĂ©e et s’y rendre en Ă©tant certain de ne pas croiser un chasseur.

and then:

Pour garantir son efficacité, la déclaration de chasses collectives sera obligatoire.

Basically, a couple of mates who go out hunting don’t seem to have any obligation to declare where they’re going, and could probably claim they were out individually and just happened to come across one another

I’m glad to note that the chap in charge of that particular Chasse event
 has also been held responsible

Yes that is useful.

But 2 ans avec sursis, i.e. a suspended sentence of 2 years, is barely a rap on the wrist.

I suspect you could get that for shoplifting or a first vandalism offence.

Whereas I’d put this offence, given that there were rules in place that weren’t observed, for me is closer to the offence level of culpable manslaughter.

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As well as the suspended sentences

The visiting-hunter who had the accident has been banned from hunting for life.

The “hunt-leader” was judged not to have suitably informed/regulated the visiting-hunter and therefore bore some responsibility for the accident

He was banned from hunting for 5 years

Yet another incident
 near Rouen

What I’ve recently noticed where I live is the hunters now appear to be installing roadside signs warning folks that there is a hunt in progress. Never seen such signs in my area before, and really not sure what this means actually to anyone driving their car down the relatively main road where the hunt is progressing. Are you meant to avoid using the road, or get ready to hit the accelerator if you see a stray bullet coming your way :thinking: :thinking: I can understand the warning signs if they are on a track where folks may be walking, but a road :crazy_face:

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Here is the South of 86 La Chasse always erect the roadsigns. I assume they warn of, amongst other hazards, the possibility of animals escaping a field by running across a road.


Good point @_Brian - if I saw an escaping animal I’d probably stop, open the back door, let it in and hurtle off and save another life :grinning: