La pénurie de moutarde!

Friends visiting from UK brought jars and jars over - we will be giving it away for the end of the year I feel!

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Just as I was going to recommend that maybe wasabi could do in a pinch. So to speak

I’m very happy to use wasabi with cold meats and indeed started using it more in that way at the onset of the Great Moutarde Famine, but think maybe it’s a bit too distinctive and strident for a good French style salad dressing.

That said, on Weds I’m doing the first course for our Anglo-French lang group’s monthly get together and I’ll be dressing a salad of pulled confit de canard du maison with pomegranate molasses, which isn’t very French and is also very distinctive. But I think they’ll like it!

Horses (or any other meat of your choice) for courses, so to speak…

Haven’t had mustard with anything for at least 35 years, but saw Colman’s Mustard in SuperU the other day and bought a jar. If you want to clear out those sinuses and make your eyes water, a good dollop of mustard will do just that, as I found!

Wasabi even more so! First time I tried it, I’d grabbed a lunch pack from Boots and got on a train opened it, thought “what’s this?” and took a mouthful - much to the amusement of my fellow passengers.

I don’t normally like mustard, but I like a thin smear on beer battered spam fritters :sunglasses:.


The French do something similar with traditional recipes à la Sainte Menehould (I’ve posted on this before) - pre-cooked pieces of breast of lamb, ox-tail or pigs’ trotters are given a coating of mustard, then beaten egg and breadcrumbs before grilling. Suppose it could be updated with panko, but I’ve never felt the urge - also can’t buy it round here.

Bloody good! - and has the added bonus of not evoking war-time rationing…

My grandfather liked spam due to being in Tobruk, Sicily and the D day landings, we used to get it as kids so I don’t mind it or corned beef.
He hated curries with a passion as he said their cook used curries to disguise what meat he had managed scrounge or kill :face_with_peeking_eye:

When that failed to work they turned it into spam or corned beef …

If all else failed he made date curry, at least they would be regular :laughing: