Language exchange for 8-year old boy

Request from a client of mine shown below :

Please contact me via PM if you are interested or know anyone who would be interested in such an exchange.


My wife and I are French doctors in Bordeaux.

We have two boys who are 8 and 4 years old.

We are seeking an English-speaking family with a child of the same age to have a linguistic exchange.

Ideally, we would like for our son to spend a couple of weeks staying with a family in the summer, either in France or the UK. We could then host the other child for a couple of weeks in Bordeaux.

Our son enjoys horse riding and has been playing tennis twice a week for the last three years. He started learning English at school this year, as well as taking lessons with a private tutor.

Best regards

Jean-Baptiste and Marie Roche

It is indeed sad, but also does provide safeguards beyond B3 or CRB where, as you say, only convictions are shown. It is so pathetic that even exchanging with lifelong friends is difficult yet within families easy. Well over 90% of all abuse happens with the family, so the minefield is big to begin with. But OK, let's leave it here and not have a thread.

It is a sad world we live in.......but I do understand your point Brian.

At the same time, a Bulletin B3 or CRB check in the UK only shows offences you have been convicted of.

Anyway, let's not get on to a whole thread about such matters.

I'll pass your advice on.

Oho, tell them to be very, very careful with this one because of 'duty of care' legislation, age 8 is a total no-no in the UK and here in France very touchy. They had better get 100% watertight advice from somebody who absolutely knows and most certainly not on here. People may have done it, but it is likely to be lay information and not actual sound, official knowledge. Since child abuse and neglect were 'discovered' (those of us who work in the field would explain the cynical use of that word) the whole thing has become a maze of problems. When using the organisations who arrange such exchanges, they screen exchange families and whilst they claim to do exchanges as soon as children begin to learn languages at primary school, what they mean really is the earliest age they will take on is 10. Without screening and the involvement of an organisation who provide and supervise exchanges, if social services got to hear in the UK then there is all hell let loose. I believe it is beginning to go in that direction here, but there again I have never worked in the area here so that is why I say they need to consult a professional.