Lathus Saint-Remy

Good afternoon everyone, I am asking a big favour: my wife and I have found a dream house in Lathus Saint Remy, a village south of Montmorillon in Poitou-Charente (86, Vienne). But before buying I want to ask a pro's and cons regarding this location: why we should or should not live here.

Thank you in advance,


We live in the Vienne. Don't know this place, but Montmorillon is lovely.

Since the house won't sell all that fast (unless you buy it), I would like to suggest that you spend one season near the property you set your eyes on. This way you will get one real impression of what it's like and if it is your ideal location as well.

If you use Facebook Luca, you might want to join this group

I'm in the same department, the other side of Montmorillon and I've never been so can't give you pros and cons of this particular commune. Vienne is lovely though.