Leboncoin - restrictions?

Just seem to have hit a brick wall with posting on leboncoin. In the middle of a major clearout and posting various things on leboncoin, but this morning, after adding another couple of ads, it suddenly appears that i can no longer add photos to the ads - very strange. So far I have 12 ads, so wondered if anyone knew of any restrictions on the number of ads you can post??? A tad frustrating, as have been on a bit of a clear out roll recently.

Any help gratefully received :grinning:

Goodnessā€¦ Iā€™ve just asked a question of Googleā€¦ which sent me to Le Bon Coin siteā€¦ only to have the message come up on my screen that Iā€™ve been blocked as (perhaps) Iā€™m not a human beingā€¦ :joy: :rofl: :worried:

surely it depends on how many photos youā€™ve paid forā€¦ ???

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Well, miraculously it appears I can now add photos again. It must have been a glitch with the leboncoin site as my internet connection has been absolutely fine for all other uses. Mild panic averted :grinning:ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦.so far :grinning:


If you only have an ordinary account you can only post 3 ads at a time. So maybe you did them too quickly.

Only professional accounts can post unlimited ads and photos.

Ah, very good to know thanks :+1: Very cathartic jetissoning ā€˜stuffā€™ onto leboncoin. Amazes me when I see so much ā€˜stuffā€™ still in boxes and unused since the day it was purchased all that time ago :scream: Now, if it is not immediately practically useful in some way or another it doesnā€™t even get near the house! Think some way to go before I finally clear the decks, but looking forward to the day :partying_face:


I imagine thereā€™s someone in the back office who prints the submitted photo, then scans it and uploads it to your ad :rofl: :rofl:

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Well, after the initial rather rapid quick and simple sale, I appear to have had a number of what I can only term as ā€˜timewastersā€™. Two folks in particular asking a million and one questions, making offers, me accepting them, only for them to then disappear into the ether - very strange. I have a pretty broad range of items for sale ranging from the lowest cost 30 euro to the highest at 950 euro and everything in between. The 30 euro item was a coffee machine, which, rather than take it to the tip I thought Iā€™d rehome it. Well, one guy must have thought it was diamond encrusted, the number of questions he had and the detail he wanted me to go into about packaging - I did remind him it was 30 euro and not 3,000,000 euros he was spending, and surprisingly didnā€™t hear back :grinning:

I really do take my hat off to anyone working in sales, and thatā€™s sales of just about everything, as this has been a real reminder of how very odd some folks can be. Long live ā€˜normalā€™ folks :partying_face:

I guess what Iā€™ve gone through is the ā€˜normalā€™ experience of selling on leboncoin, and I just need to develop a thicker skin and learn to identify the ā€˜timewastersā€™ early on.

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Be careful. There are people who monitor Leboncoin and look for new users and try through adverts to extract personal information from these users in the guise of wanting to buy something. Donā€™t put anything even remotely personal or anything that could identify you into leboncoin. If someone wants to pick something up, do it at a neutral venue. Donā€™t give them your phone number ā€˜just in case we donā€™t find each otherā€™.
Edit: I suspect that if someone has been asking loads of strange questions, then I think youā€™ve probably been very sensible and theyā€™ve got fed up trying.

I echo hairbearā€¦.lots of scammers on LBC. And never, ever accept anything other than cash in person.

Very good advice @hairbear. Rightly or wrongly, Iā€™m very security aware after quite some experience during my career.

Ive been looking for a car for my OH for a ehile, and finally found something that ticks most/all the boxes. Itā€™s a private seller on le bon coin and not a million miles away :slightly_smiling_face:. Iā€™ve never used LBC for anything , but theyā€™re offering their ā€œPack sereniteā€ - guarantees the money and provides a limited warranty apparently.

Has anyone any experience of buying a car on lbc and using this guarantee, any tips?

Is the seller a private individual?

I kinda bought our car via LBC but really it was a dealer who was just using the site to display their cars. Once I had contacted them we switched to email and stopped using LBC (I wouldnā€™t recommend doing that for an individual, by the way).

Iā€™ve been looking for vans for a few days now, and always seem to come back to leboncoin fir availability. And down here in 34 the supply is sparse to say the least, with almost everything far north!

Re the serenite package, if I buy with leboncoin I will take it as itā€™s basically insurance giving you a warranty for a prescribed list of ā€˜stuffā€™, which they list clearly. The question then is, do you 3,6 or 12 months??? Plus they act as the middle man to hold funds until you finally confirm receipt, just like the process when you buy/sell anything on the site.

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Itā€™s a private seller so the ā€œpackageā€ is a good idea I think, and I will probably go for the 6 month package. Never used LBC beforeā€¦

Agreed. I think youā€™re doing the right thing.

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Finally, looks like I may have found a van, and as expected itā€™s a long way from where I am. Just trying to think about the logistics of it all, as I want to make sure itā€™s ok in the flesh before parting with money, but by the same token Iā€™ve seen how quickly theyā€™re being sold right now so donā€™t want to miss the opportunity.

Iā€™d welcome any ideas on the process to buy from a distance i.e. how I might secure the vehicle without seeing it but only pay when there and having seen it. Also what would be the best and ā€˜normalā€™ way of transferring the funds when Iā€™m there so I could drive away in it if I liked it??

Any suggestions welcome :grinning: