LED replacements bulbs - pros and cons

We have been using them for a while now and we think they are great value when you consider how little energy they use and how long they last. Would highly recommend

I have been using an outside, PIR triggered LED floodlight for over a year. The light is near to daylight in colour. Apart from lower running costs, it is nice not to have to replace burned-out lamps on a regular basis, as the unit is fairly inaccessible.
The increased use of LED lamps in vehicles should result in improved safety. With controle techniques a year apart, I see far too many missing lights.

I have 8 Halogens in the kitchen, I replace 1 every month during the winter. 1 was replaced by a LED 2/3 years ago and that has never been changed. Now I have no hamogen spares left, I'll be changing all for LEDs

Thanks, James. Useful info as I have some halogens which will eventually need changing.

Brilliant round up - thank you. We are in the process of moving so will know what to get!