Life's small irritations

I’m not talking about the big stuff, like Brexit or Covid or global warming or the fact that one’s beloved snores. No, I mean the really tiny inconsequential day-to-day stuff that can be so infuriating.

Of course there’s packaging that’s impossible to open, especially the version with the triangle in the corner that implies that all you have to do is pull it apart. Huh!

My absolute bugbear at the moment is bar code labels that don’t peel off cleanly. Especially the labels stuck to plastic. I’ve just bought some new plastic tumblers that are for our guests to use by the pool. Do you think I can get the wretched label glue of the bottom! I’ve tried hot soapy water, I’ve tried the freezer. I know if I try any form of solvent it will make the tumbler plastic go opaque. I wish I’d left the labels on now. Any suggestions anyone, please?

I’ll be back with more irritations later, no doubt. Off to finish ironing and window cleaning.

WD 40 will do it.


Sue, I use Avon ‘Skin so soft’ spray, this really works on those pesky stickers that refuse to budge…It is also very good at keeping mosquitoes at bay. Hope this helps :slightly_smiling_face:


Dawn you just reminded me to order some :+1:

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I share your pain. The “ouvrir facile” seem to be designed especially to taunt my cackhandedness.

The labels on NF brand 2 pin plugs are the worst. WD40 works a treat, but it takes about a week for the smell to fade.

Action sell a dedicated label removed called “Qura” which works well and doesn’t stink the house out.


John, happy to oblige… :grinning:

As an engineer I like the smell! Once the glue is on the move you can wash the item with detergent and smell is gone.

As will orange oil.


Oh thank you everyone. @Corona I love WD40 and the smell! But I’m not sure about it lingering round the glasses cupboard, so I think @anon88169868 's suggestion might be a better one - orange oil lingering round tumblers for the pool doesn’t sound too bad.
@Dawnt Sorry Dawn, good idea, but I find the perfume of Skin so Soft (as I do most perfumes) hard to take - I live in a perfume free zone and have done for many years as OH is allergic to strong perfumes (they make him sneeze).
@NotALot I must revisit Action, I know @toryroo is a fan - I found it a bit sad the one time I went - I must try again.


You could test a drop of cellulose thinners though it could be tricky avoiding an adverse effect from being noticable if it reacts.

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Any cooking oil, peanut butter, wd 40… those should all work but even if they don’t all one is bound to.

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I have just done the same operation for some new plastics for the hot tub, removed most of the glue with WD40 and paper towel. Once it all loosened just washed all with washing up liquid, didnt notice any remaining smell.


One of life’s small irritations is how my OH would most likely describe me :yum::laughing::face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Nail varnish remover ?? Or have you tried that already?

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I’ve tried that before Robert, unfortunately nail varnish remover makes some plastics go milky - not a good look for the bottom of a (what should be clear) tumbler.

In my world Sue a lot of the irritating day-to-day stuff is just a symptom of the big stuff: hard-to-open packaging, labels that won’t come off, etc, are not there for our benefit, but to increase the profit margins of vast multi-brand multi-national corporations (to prevent theft, speed up handling, etc). As long as we keep buying, they don’t care.


Action isn’t too bad, just a Maximum Security Poundland.

It’s Noz that resembles the survivors of an apocalyptic event rummaging through the store and fighting over the last tin of baked beans.


I once delivered a load of stuff there, and after tipping, spent the next hour inside. :roll_eyes: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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I have a problem with certain perfumes too. Opium is the worst. I lose my voice instantly. Alright Graham I know you might find that funny, but it usually happens in restaurants or other public places as no one I know wears the stuff.

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Some of the ring pull cans can be hard to open too. I use the handle of a wooden spoon as a lever.
Why are corned beef cans still so lethal? I nearly sliced the top off a finger once.